Thanks to some fools that I noticed while reading a Suggestions just now It gave me an idea and we can choose to keep this in the Mess Room or Suggestions


that is appreciated.

but… that’s like, only one mod.

which the overhaul picture should be more towards customs and mods, rather than a single mod.
to bring more " on the table " and allow to do even more ( and just basic things ) onto customs.

this one

This was not a suggestion this was a mess room topic and it was not exactly supposed to be taken seriously

well, it’s an idea.

but… idea = suggestions most of the times.


i still was right though

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I would not really say this is a Pearl of wisdom it’s more of a Pearl of insanity

That’s true but I prefer to use a silver bullet and ones I know and here’s some things which are not exactly focused on the big action mod

We need more support for custom games especially sponsored ones by the devs which appeared in the dev post - Suggestions - Enlisted

This was featured quite some time ago in mod digest - Suggestions - Enlisted

Det packs gone?
i track you with a AT, then i can run around side,
jump up and use TNT, which is different to Det pack,
so you going to nerf TNT, Next?

Nope it requires effort and unlike the explosive pack you only can carry one.

and I’m not the one you should be worrying about you should be worrying about the other ones because this one’s not gonna get through.

Oh please explain?
as if i be worried about 20 people at max,
whining in forum, when there’s thousands who play, and don’t whine at all?
About what you carry on about?

I’m technically the mad option and when we get to steam things will change so look out for their voices whenever they appear

You really are a disgrace to the parrot family.
i think you should change nicks, and avatar, and become
Noisy Minor

Why start a new thread to argue what’s being actively debated in at least one other thread?

I wish they’d give out bans for a few days for this sort of crap.

Because this one’s pretty much off topic is you can get

Nah. There’s already a thing where teammates can take your empty slots. If you lose crew then you’ve lose crew

Wow, and here I was thinking maybe you weren’t going to be as petty as the others. Guess I was wrong!

While customs are cool and all, and definitely have their place, I informed you that mods are not supported for consoles.

As far as “experimental features” they aren’t as much so as you might think! Other games like HLL and BF4 have already have implemented many similar features to great effect.

The thing is, this game has a LOT of potential, and overcomes issues that HLL and others have yet to overcome.

Most of them don’t require “4 dogs” like you state. MANY of them can apply to solo players in regards to efficiency.

So get off your self-righteous high horse and just debate the topics at hand in a civil manner.

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No, I don’t think tanks or any squad should be able to get them back. When they are dead, they are dead.

No, I don’t think tanks should get replacement crew if they go back to resupply.

But I do think that resupply should be removed from the gray zone completely and tanks should “resupply” by using an Engineer built ammo box. This means that to resupply they have to come out of the gray zone - at least a little bit.

The simplest thing would be to just run over a convenient ammo box, consuming it in the process. I can also imagine a more involved method where a crew member has to exit the vehicle and engage with the ammo box.

Tanks can still resupply but cannot camp in the gray zone indefinitely. And engineers get a nice little points boost too.

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If you even read the post Reaper you know it’s meant to counter the lunacy where everyone needs an explosive pack

This is not actually a suggestion that’s why it’s in the mess rooms

How about instead of posting BS posts specifically highlighting people’s reactions, you just debate the topic and quit making a mockery out of those of us that support it? Posts like this just drag all the rest of us down into a toxic cesspool that doesn’t go anywhere or do anything helpful or constructive.


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