Testing the "Tigers of Burma” update

The test server is available from December 10th 10:30 (UTC) to December 11th 10:30 (UTC)

Download the test server client | Preliminary patch notes | Report a bug!

What is a Test Server

This is a separate game server to which your account is copied. The next update is already available on this server, and every Enlisted player on PC can participate in testing it before the official release. To get on the server, you need to download a special client and install it separately from the main game client.

The actions performed on the test server and the earned progression will not be transferred to the main game server.

Your feedback is important

This is the main purpose of testing — to find and fix bugs in the upcoming update before its release, and to discuss with you ideas on how to make the update even better.

Feel free to leave your feedback on the update in this topic, and any bugs you find can be submitted via the link in the header of this announcement.

Thank you for helping us make Enlisted better!


Continuing the discussion from Preliminary patch notes for the “Tigers of Burma” update:

An expected but very welcome change. I hope to see more like this in future updates.


Well, looks like test server is back on the menu lads (and gals). Can’t wait to try it out as soon as I get home.

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Tank stuck in a trench. Certified Enlisted moment

I would love if you enabled the vehicles to dig out from holes this update


Continuing the discussion from Preliminary patch notes for the “Tigers of Burma” update:

Is it possible to choose, which bomb/rocket to launch first? Like dropping 250kg on Stuka first?

Any details?


pen fix on 37mm AP from the P-63A
and some small changes to the 23mm Yva 23 AP (drag coefficient fix)


If anyone is curious about the prem/event squad change (riflemen squads aren’t affected)


The auto-loader of Chi Ri II can only support it quickly fire for three times. But in test server, it seems able to quickly fire without any restrictions, which is incorrect.


That’s how it works for now, it always has a 3.3 sec reload


I think this Burma update is one of the most impressive updates of the year.
However, the inclusion of the Offenlore for the Allied faction really bothers me… If it weren’t for that, I would have been extremely satisfied with this update.
Do you have any plans to change the Offenlore for the Allied faction to a unique anti-tank unit? No matter how I look at it, the Allied Offenlore is truly disappointing…


So if I spent research point on test server would it effect main game or no whatever happens in test server stays in test server

whatever you do, stays in the test server.


Thats good to know

For now it’s by design, also devs don’t plan to add first-order ammo rack mechanic.


first order?

screw that.

OG empire all the way :muscle:

( was for a deleted comment. nvm it’s below )

anyway, jokes aside, looking forward to test the new map, and the new brooms brooms.
but it goes without saying, i still think could have been done more to them bikes:

and this,

  • Added an additional upgrade option to add a Medic to Rider squads.

is a start.

buuuut i digress.
not enough time for what i’m asking anyway.

i’m really loving the new engy-update for some premie squads.
that way, some of them will be dusted off and brought back to the battlefields.

as well as

  • Replaced the German gas masks with American M5 gas masks for soldiers using the RPzB.43 Ofenrohr in American squads.



Is this some kind of temporary measure? Before we have first-order ammo rack update?

We can now shoot 1 rocket at a time, or drop just 1 bomb at a time, even when normally 2 are dropped at once!

Carpet bombing will never be the same :joy:


pretty nice add for event and premium unit they are more versatile it’s very good but
Are event engineer and operator radio squad aren’t affected by this mesure ? @Euthymia07

Could we get another name for the new mg42 like mg42 beltfed or something like that M42 100 feel like a new version feel strange

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A suggestion if I may
Can you make upgrade cards , upgrade without needing to level up it would make upgrade cards more valuable like for instance I unlocked Ch-Ri but dont have the level up upgrades for it in squad upgrade page and because of it cant upgrade chi-ri but having upgrade cards will allow me to bypass needing to upgrade squad first

Does that mean it was given anti-tank capability like Yak-9k?