Testing the "Rzhev" update

Great, now let’s wait for a good Samaritan to upload a video showing the main features of the update for all of us who play on a console, gg


At least you can imagine them while reading preliminary patch note.

The Ho I has 23 HEAT 10 AP 23 HE 7 smoke on the test server to be exact


lmfao trying to pen the KT H with APCR is still an utter joke because Dagor doesn’t have fine mouse movement
And rounds just gravitate towards the peepee sock around the barrel

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Im glad that i can buy squad slot without needing premium that a huge relieve for next time (still downloading so im just reading the patch note)

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Continuing the discussion from Preliminary patchnotes for the “Rzhev” update:

Wow, I definitely didn’t expect this.


it nice tbh now i dont have to calculate premium cost when buying slot

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Suggestion: Prioritize fixing bugs with major updates in addition to content. The below have been addressed in multiple posts across all spheres of engagement.

• ⁠very grindy and terrible silver economy. Still not addressed
• ⁠Greyzone tanking and suicidecycling planes currently has no counter (they just spawn a new tank/plane infinitely and for new players, they don’t have the tools to deal with it. For veterans, not everyone wants to spend every game in a vehicle hunting cyclers)
• ⁠Bot AI is still pretty bad. There is a lack of reactivity still. There should be a command to have a bot engineer build a rally at a point.
• ⁠AT Launchers still detonate on open windows
• ⁠bots won’t follow through windows or swim across water, but will path around which usually leads to them dying
• ⁠AT Launchers damage to APCs is still inconsistent
• ⁠map variety is hamstrung by the failure of DF to consistently release maps. Swapping attack angles does not count as adding more maps.
• ⁠customization still bugs out, and is prohibitively expensive. Customization orders should be able to be spent on vehicles.
• ⁠custom servers have severe lag/crash in full 10v10 games.

  • still no social system, clan system, or menu lobby chat
    • ⁠almost zero transparency from DF besides randomly timed blog posts and updates. Drip marketing only works when there’s a large engaged playerbase.

Should be)
If no, please send us report - that’s why this test server even exists)))


Then you should check our official telegram sometimes, we post some features there с:


It’s what I’d call, if I can borrow @Shiivex line, baby steps :stuck_out_tongue:

One day if smoke barrage has a separate timer from He/rockets, it will be golden, and EVERYONE will be happy!

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This needs to be adressed. Some vehicles still do not have default neutral camo option.

some examples

As you can see, you can only pick winter/desert camo


The map is ok but wish the new map is rural warfare lmao

Please create a proper bug report on known website

for anyone interested

Sights of SVD-30 without scope


This is why it has a scope XD


We don’t read acrylic

Must be some artist language :thinking:


I would not have expected japan to get winter camo for its tank XD.
Guess DF are working on some winter maps for the “pacific”

Or just VS USSR maps