Testing the next update

Literally put this thing in my wishlist for Operation Bagration/ Citadel campagin



Really? That is really cool if it comes, always wanted a TT variant since the GO one.

Did you do your research?

It was tested, deemed not good enough, and never produced beyond prototypes.

Once again, something that never saw WW2 combat.

Cause T-54 came along with LB1, not because it was a dev failure.

As a Axis main, do u wish to face T-34 with LB1, or 1945 T-54 with LB1???

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This also new right?


So? It was never adopted, mass-produced or used in WW2.

I wish to see things that saw regular combat in WW2. Not “could have beens”.

Isnt sure to be added and template is broken in the test server but most likely will at some point.

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No Komerade you specifically said

“development stopped” because it didn’t work…

Not that it didint see regular or part time or midnight shift combat.

It didn’t work good enough to be produced. Wasn’t used in WW2. I hate seeing it in a WW2 game.

IS-3 was good enough to be produced. Still wasn’t used in WW2. I would hate seeing it in a WW2 game.

There are things that were used in WW2 and things that were not used in WW2, simple as that.

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Ur gonna split hairs so last comment

It PASSED STATE TESTS, and wasnt good enough because T54 was already on the state test.

So ur arguing for IS3 and T54 obr 45 with your logic?

Dont say that " it didn’t work…" because thats flat out wrong.

Say you dont want vehicles that didnt see combat in WW2 to be in WW2 game. Thats ur point I presume.


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Capture d'écran 2024-04-26 224216


Capture d'écran 2024-04-26 223821


Oh wow, so lots of soviet and Jap stuff in engine?? are we going sino-soviet here???

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oh that one didnt appear when i look somehow

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See here:

The reasons as to why something wasn’t issued to troops could be whatever. If it wasn’t issued to troops it’s not a WW2 game contender in my book.

Why are you unhappy about the new tank ?

It is hard to counter Tiger II H with IS-2, because of slow reload (if you missed once, you are dead) and SU-100 (1500 produced till May 1945) is a limited premium.

Soviet aircrafts at BR 5 are also inferior to German.

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I would be happy with anything that was adopted, mass-produced and delivered to front line troops.
But not prototypes.

UPD and definitely not prototype american rifles in research tree

BTW not sure if someone else already brought it up but in the test server the premium slot is already implemented so expect to see that soon on the main branche too.


As much as I hate prototypes and blue print tanks - a T34-100 could potentially fix the issue that soviet high tier vehicles all have terrible reload speed.

This vehicle will be healthier for the game play than more super heavy slow tanks.

Tiger II H was bad enough - imagine more vehicles like that, IS3 or Jagdtiger would hurt the game just like Tiger II H already does.