If you nerf rifle grenade, this game will turn to Halo like FPS, if you don’t nerf rifle grenade, this game is totally CODMW2(2009). noob tube in br3 and higher is really unacceptable.
@James_Grove @MajorMcDonalds again I am disappointed to not see a fix for the planetree camo in the full list of changes. It is beyond surprising to see the developers getting the time to fix all the other issues and not this. This is truly a shame.
What it used to look earlier.
What it looks now.
I’m sorry man but I really dont see the difference…
Maybe on the bottom pic the rank on the collar is gone and those uniforms are a bit more brown?
The bugs related to pistols that were supposedly fixed last time still exist. Did you really manage to fix them successfully?
please allow us to buy US cosmetics as UK squad and vice versa (Germany and Italy, etc) including other nations planned to be added under the same alliance for Allies and Axis
Another update with no news about mouse and keyboard support on consoles, what a surprise!
No worries mate. But these are two completely different sets of uniform as you can see in this screenshot. This is taken from a document compiled by @ErikaKalkbrenner .
Link to the document: Germany Cosmetics - Google Documenten
btw what bayonet do m1a1 carbine use? cause i dont have any in test server for some reason
also why when you hover weapon to change, it goes behind the thing? i swear it was on top not behind before
this was forwarded to developers on your CBR link
.its known . lets wait for developers to decide about such.
bots sprinting behaviour
In certain situations it is necessary to sprint quickly over a small section. However, our own bots do not do this in any way. While the bots only trot all the way, they are most likely free kills for the enemy team.
It would therefore be nice if your own bots also adapted to the player’s pace:
player sprints = bots sprint and try to keep up with the player (otherwhise there is a huge distance between if a player with lot’s of stamina sprint quickly)
player trots = bots trot
If the gun have a slot for the bayonet try to use the M2 carbine or another allied gun bayonet, if there isn’t a slot and the gun has no bayonet or no one of the other allied gun bayonet fit insides the slot report it has bug here and on the Bug site
Can anyone please check Churchill, do tank tracks still show in gunner view? Also have Moroccans got any other customization options for Pacific, Normandy - hoping yes to both, but not convinced…
Thanks for checking, I expect it will be another visual bug that will linger, ah well!
Probably only if the decide to add a TT version of a churchill.
But the odds of that are kinda slim atm.
going to throw more suggestions here, but if my post about adding cosmetics to the mp40 silenced squad can be considered that would be very good
That is a completely different issue. the M/28 mosin squad and the assault engineers are different squads that suffer from the same problem
I have been wondering about the following since the “big merge”, as it effectively made the historic units designations moot, because those units no longer were bound to their respective theatres of war. → That is units that for example fought in Tunesia can now be fielded in any of the other theatres of war.
So the following comes to mind:
- fellow players already have suggested that customisations for the sides should be “unlocked”, giving players the choice what nationality/subnationality they want to field (i.e. make one’s units British, Italian, Australian, US, USSR, German,…)
I think we should take this one step further and in addition to the above give players the opportunity to actually create custom unit designations to fit their chosen unit nationalities (Simply because the original unit designations make little sense after the merge). This would give appearance change orders another use.
The bad thing of course is that one does see nationalities in places they never fought at, but due to all the changes this is already happening anyway (sad but it is what it is).
Come to think of it what would help against the latter is a “historical accuracy” checkmark in the options. If you do not tick it you will see the player customisations, but if you tick it you will see the original units belonging to that battlefield/theatre of war. That way immersion is not ruined but players also can play with their own units without bothering anyone.
Will there be another announcement for the minor update? Because I find it a little odd that the following were not mentioned at all:
- Ability to change soldier nationality
- Customization improvements
- prefered maps
These were in the road map and it was confirmed by MajorMcDobalds that they are still worked on and planned so will we see any of these in the minor update or these will be part of the major update or we will only see these features much later?