Testing the next update (August 26)

It is possible, they just haven’t

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well, best of luck.

You meant consoles? Never. Test server is PC only


CoD releases their beta tests on console every year. As does Battlefield now. PUBG has its test server available on console. It is entirely, 100% possible. They just haven’t done it

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250 kg K4??, Sayonara F.G55

Bullcrap. They just have to put in the effort to put it on console

well, yeah.
but those are AAA games with studios that has lots of money behind.

i’m unsure if enlisted will have a test server for consoles. ( given that, technically are somewhat similar builds due to cross play )

but, never say never.

As an aside, one additional implementation that needs to be added is removing the immediate air spawns on pacific maps. Carrier spawns are fine as they still have to take off, but the immediate P-47 rocket run needs to go.


Why didn’t avt increase the magazine capacity?

I don’t want to say that the fully automatic Fg42 is OP, but it’s blatantly unfair if you don’t equate the two in terms of magazine capacity.

This is not the first time I have raised such a question, and it is also not the first time for other players on the forum, but you always turn a deaf ear and a blind eye.


well i agree if they are going to buff fg42 II recoil to type hei AR and t20 level, that AVT also deserves buff in ammo capacity.


Investigate and fix two issues with re-entering a room in a custom room, when?


Ocationly Reproduce:

  1. Join a custom match And play for a while.

  2. exit the battle

  3. reselect same custom room click to join it again / or re click start game in current custom game room

  4. “Sometimes” you will be blocked on a respawn camera without any ui (but you can see the battle and killog without player names), and cant deploy anything


Ocationly Reproduce:

  1. Join a custom match And play unti it was finish or leave it before first round was finsh

  2. exit the battle / exit the lobby

  3. Stay outside the lobby wait until next round started (2nd round 3rd round etc…)

  4. Players will leave briefly after the first round to play common matches or other rooms, or to modify his squad profiles. The problem will occur when he comes back to the same room and tries to play the game again

  5. reselect same custom room click to join it again

  6. Then You will be automatically throw into battle in a random team, you can’t select anything of your profiles. It may assign you to a random team, before this you were in team1 sov, currently maybe you will be assigned to team 2 or team1 usa that you cant configure it before your game.


btw soviets have body armor, so in terms of capacity both fg42 and avt40 have similar potential to kill. with body armor fg42 needs 2 bullets to down and 1 to kill (so total 3 bullets), while AVT40 needs 1 to down and 1 to kill(total of 2 bullets). that means fg42 can kill 6.66 soldiers with 1 magazine, while AVT40 can kill 7.5 soldiers with 1 magazine.


I really don’t like the idea of adding tanks used by IA, but aside that really good.

it is available right now

if equally to ai infantry … no fear


Looks like PUBG game to consoles a little over half a year after its initial release on pc. Best I can tell, test servers came out on XBox a couple months after that if not initially. So fairly quickly. Also, their developer isn’t AAA

I really don’t care what its specific damage value is, but I care about how many bullets I can fire in one go in the gun. If it has 14.4 damage and 20-round magazine, I will definitely not complain.

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Not to ALL players

I do appreciate this very fair anti kamikaze feature.

What I do not appreciate at all is retrospectively changing no longer obtainable weapons in significant way.
You did it with Mkb 35, now again with G43k.

I won’t be buying GO guns for premium currency anymore. Since I can’t be sure what I’m actually buying. One big :-1:


Continuing the discussion from Preliminary patch notes of update (26 August):

So, should we also add some bullets to the FG42 with grenade launchers, such as changing it to 20/80, otherwise it won’t be enough.