Testing the next update (August 26)

they use the ammo of their current magazine
but they won’t use any of your own reserve ammo

Just looking through the amendments in your spreadsheet.

*edit nevermind…need to wake up first

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So they fixed the Kamikaze issue but not Gray Zoning tanks…

@Shiivex insert “baby st_ps”

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So the idea is if you Kamikaze without damage to your plane then you don’t get to respawn right away as another plane?… if you F2P your not able to respawn as a vehicle anyway so this is really only trying to negate premium player more than anything? Or is it that you can’t respawn as a vehicle period for the rest of the match?

Its there to stop a particular breed of player, Which yes, is unique to paying players

All it does is stop you from spawning another plane straight after crashing an undamaged one.

so you could spawn a tank/infantry, and then back to planes.

What I believe the kamikaze change is doing, is making it so whenever a player crashes a plane without taking any damage (such as flying it directly into the ground as they dump rockets and or bombs) they won’t be able to select another plane during their next respawn.

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So right this REALLY only relates to premium players (or I guess players that at least buy one more squad spot) and really doesn’t change things for F2P. I guess baby steps.


Yes, technically it should say “anti Kamakazi CYCLING system”

one and done will still happen


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It’s funny someone already found an work around the anti kamikaze system

Should’ve done something with the nono zone campers as well.

Hopefully the menu suicide gets added to the equation. The only reason to use the suicide in menu on an “undamaged” plane is because you dont want to be in a plane anymore…so should instantly lock spawning in plane again too.

On the upside, you dont have time to do that if you are ramming your plane into something and dropping as you do it.

But yeah, needs to be added


Maybe…there is another tank sitting in greyzone too.

Is it intentional that the anti-kamikaze feature is in the practice range too?

and what about Soviet?

still using AVT the 15 round asynodia gun lol

please looking forward the great change for USSR of next version.
Previous version will be USA.current version will be Germany.

Stop strengthen german please! When german has the strongest tank panzer 6b, the US&UK only gots m9 bazooka and they must use the air to destroy the Germany panzers. If you will punish the Banzai air, how can u persume that a guys won’t take the air doing nothing useful and refuse to get off because he couldn’t get in another air ?
I mean, at least, the FG-42 2 gots a default auto mode is enough now. More changes should come with more new weapons such as the t26e5, m20 bazooka etc. I predict that the Ger V will get the highest chance of winning, which will be too high for other players of US&UK and USSR.

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If someone considers that the m26 is equal to panzer 6B, please show us the reason.

Its not…super pershing is closer. Still coming


So, I guess this means that we’re not getting a new update along with the new battlepass on the 28th… Seriously?