Testing the next update (August 26)

if equally to ai infantry … no fear


Looks like PUBG game to consoles a little over half a year after its initial release on pc. Best I can tell, test servers came out on XBox a couple months after that if not initially. So fairly quickly. Also, their developer isn’t AAA

I really don’t care what its specific damage value is, but I care about how many bullets I can fire in one go in the gun. If it has 14.4 damage and 20-round magazine, I will definitely not complain.

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Not to ALL players

I do appreciate this very fair anti kamikaze feature.

What I do not appreciate at all is retrospectively changing no longer obtainable weapons in significant way.
You did it with Mkb 35, now again with G43k.

I won’t be buying GO guns for premium currency anymore. Since I can’t be sure what I’m actually buying. One big :-1:


Continuing the discussion from Preliminary patch notes of update (26 August):

So, should we also add some bullets to the FG42 with grenade launchers, such as changing it to 20/80, otherwise it won’t be enough.


Yeah the Kurtz one I’m pretty upset about. Its burst fire was unique and I really did enjoy using it back when


I guess you can check it in custom game against bots?

Definitely happy about the anti-kamikaze system and the 250kg being added to the BF-109 K-4. While I agree with pretty much all the small arms changes, I’m still disappointed to not see the MG 13’s semi-auto added in a seemingly perfect opportunity. If FXAA is being added, I’d also like to see SMAA as an option.


If they are not stuck by this game’s absymal pathfinding then it’s a win.

Finally a viable bf109 in the late game in turns of ground support


Well, in any case, bots have already proved it many times… rather, many enlisted players have repeatedly proved that bots are not so bad. So I believe in them. I hope they take over the world soon.

So this is how i THINK AI tanks will work from a more technical viewpoint, nothing is 100% until a CM or DEV confirms/Denies:

  • AI tanks are based on bot squad presets defined in profiles.
  • AI tanks will always use ammo in first slot (which is almost always AP)
  • AI Tanks movement has no real logic atm, from what’ve seen in-game it just drives around in CQ mode until it finds an enemy. In Invasion, it may just drive around the capzone.

Use this console command to test in Editor:


Code indicating AI logic:


I wonder how they will determine where to shoot at an enemy tank in order to pen and damage it…

@Bazsi37 but btw are we not allowed to launch mods on test servers?
It is giving me this error when trying to launch my mod and any other mods

They will shoot at the nearest point from itself and probably cant damage it unless the enemy shows the weak spot directly


Regarding this image, does the official still remember that there is a bug in BF 110 G-2 that can be fixed together in this update?

It actually work as the zombie tank during the event imo, obliuvsly need a lot of polishing and goodie like the ability of hull use mg


this was fixed with this update


Good news. Didnt see it listed?

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