Testing the next update (August 26)

Will they spawn vehicles that reflects their br?
And what tanks will they be spawning? Do you have a list?

Should be.


Thanks. This will be very interesting in the games. Also the other changes are very welcome too. Probably the best quality of life update ever

so do we know what tanks they will be using? or its at random in their br?

TBH given the amount of players I already see spawning PZ IIs and T-60s in BR V, I don’t think this will be a major concern

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christmas update came earlier.

best i could have asked for.

really looking forward to AI tanks

it’s what would make my own mods PVEs even better.
one step at a time.


I’ll see if i can find it

  • Still not have partial reload: Walther PP, Walther PPK, Walther P38, Luger P08, Mauser C96, Colt M1911, Browning Hi-Power, Gewehr 41 (M), Gewehr 43, Gewehr 43 Sniper, FG42, FG42 II, FG42 II Sniper, MG15. Maybe more but those are what I found that still not getting fixed.

  • Pump and cock when partial reloading, it shouldn’t be: Browning Auto 5, Winchester Model 1912

  • Colt M1911 has 8+1 rounds instead of 7+1

  • Japanese pistols don’t have +1 round in the chamber when partial reloading.

  • Type 99 Sniper has a janky reload animation, unlike its Premium Long variant.

  • MG15 case ejected from the right side instead of from the bottom.

  • ZH-29 seems to be missing an animation frame when partial reload, it doesn’t have full reload animation.

  • Bolt action rifles except Lee-Enfield are empty reloading with a full clip when there are less than 5 bullets left in the player’s ammo pouch.

  • Bolt action snipers have a visible bullet left in the chamber when empty reloading.

  • Lack of animation to hold down the chamber when partially reloading bolt action rifles/snipers to prevent a bullet from ejecting.


When will the test client be available to all players to test major updates?

It is literally available:

he is from consoles though.

which, i’m not sure if consoles can get access to the test server.
probably not, given the last 3 test servers

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To ALL players. Not just a fraction of the playerbase

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It is possible, they just haven’t

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well, best of luck.

You meant consoles? Never. Test server is PC only


CoD releases their beta tests on console every year. As does Battlefield now. PUBG has its test server available on console. It is entirely, 100% possible. They just haven’t done it

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250 kg K4??, Sayonara F.G55

Bullcrap. They just have to put in the effort to put it on console

well, yeah.
but those are AAA games with studios that has lots of money behind.

i’m unsure if enlisted will have a test server for consoles. ( given that, technically are somewhat similar builds due to cross play )

but, never say never.

As an aside, one additional implementation that needs to be added is removing the immediate air spawns on pacific maps. Carrier spawns are fine as they still have to take off, but the immediate P-47 rocket run needs to go.