Testing the next update (August 26)

One question, won’t there be any new vehicles coming in this update?

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I just used it as an example because it is the most numerous tank (and it’s the best t2 tank with the addition of heat rounds). You can change it to t34, pz4, panther, and so on. My point is that if you manage to destroy an enemy tank and the same guy just spawn in another equally strong tank immediately, the kill is not that impactful. The worst scenario is m26/is2 vs endless spam of king tiger.

Implemented an “anti-kamikaze” system: Players who crash an undamaged aircraft will be prohibited from respawning with an aircraft for their next spawn.

Finally, now just prevent tanks from camping in grey zone.


Does anyone have any footage of all the GO guns in the mods editor of the test server?

Also @James_Grove will we get no new ‘toys’ this time around?

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Well, shouldn’t the damage for MP-41(r) also be increased in that case?


Let’s be honest here, DF is just lazy to code all of the weapons that can operate with the same ammo as the enemy.
Like Mp717 and ppsh41 should both get refilled by both German and Soviet ammo box.
9mm guns could be refilled from any ammo box except Soviet, since Germany, US and Japan all have 9mm guns thus also 9mm ammo.

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It’s a minor update, not a major update


Why is it under major update testing?


i mean it a ruskie ppsh not mp40 so i guess it make sense

Well, it uses the same ammo. But tbh, I quite don’t understand the logic behind it.

Because there’s no “Minor Update Testing” category. :smiley:


You mean that all of this is

Is just a “minor” update?

Your minor update has changes far more impactful than the all of the major updates this year combined.

i mean i tried bren mk2 and russian “pistol” both are pretty good. didnt try murata tho since it reload speed (9.9 sec without perk) is too meme-ish for me

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yep, that’s how it’s called

Imagine just how amazing the next Major update is going to be! :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :heart_eyes:


maybe super pershing time? nah (hope so tho)


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Kinda stupid that the MP 38 and MP 40 have diffrent damage when they basicly are the same gun. You dont have to go that far to find inconsistancy.


Thanks for answering, I saw a lot of changes and I thought it was an important one. I also mention that the K4 would have also been given the 20mm MG151 cannons and the 500kg bomb instead of the 250kg one.