Testing the next update (August 26)

DF deciding if a weapon will be historical or not:
(Made for entertainment purposes)


I have one and I always found the 3-round burst to be an ammo-waster. I want to be able to shoot 2 rounds at a time, considering the damage value it has.

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I noticed that this update also brings a lot of improvements regarding APC.

Unfortunately again no customization or just the ability to change the camo for APC. (I really dislike the yellowish base color for late war german vehicles :cry:)
This was first promised to us right after the update that added APCs to the game was released.

I hope you’re still counting on this and we’ll see it soon.


It’s an AT-44 equivalent with 10.1 damage, i think it’s fine and still good after the change


So when we will removing Pershing and Jumbo 76 from Pacific and Normandy to protect HA? And M2 Stinger having 200 rounds.


This is great and long-awaited feature, but it brings up another question - will we be able to drive our own APC again when we spawn inside it with another squad?

UPDATE: Just checked it on the test server. Spawned without vehicle - first, my APC was greyed out, so I could not even use it as a spawn(it was not damaged whatsoever). I run to it and I could not jump in with it’s own squad.

I think everybody will agree this sucks. The player needs to be able to drive his APC with another crew, not throw it out like trash on the battlefield once the original crew is dead.


And PIAT 120mm.

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Can you please consider to give a bomb to this plane as well? Pretty please. :pray:


Took nearly a year to fix one bug and 3+ years to fix and correct some very necessary issues.
Still not correcting the air spawn time for planes on Pacific huh. Just correct them with other fronts already.

I hope so

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Since you look at plane, can you finally remove carrier spawns or at least make them optional?


I disagree with the FGs being auto on default. I much prefer them in semi auto and only use auto for specific circumstances. It’s much more ammo efficient. I imagine the AI will be blowing through all their ammo

You can just change it.

But auto mode is much more better for your bots performance wise. And they are not depleting ammo.

AI uses their own reserve of 100k bullets, so they’ll never run out


so i can leave my gun at 1 bullet and let ai reload it for free?

or is it still gonna count?

Obviously I know I can change it :smirk: I just prefer it in semi auto. I think semi is more effective as full auto has serious recoil.

It’s easier to change firing mode for one weapon than to change it for all weapons in the squad (to make your AIs more effective).

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Ok new russian pistol is super nice definitely buying it on the main game when it arrive

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Still haven’t made FG42s bayonet usable?


btw murata reload is 9.9 sec it such a meme weapon and bren mk2 is decent i like it

probably gonna buy murata after the next pass tho (maybe)