Testing the next update (August 26)

What was the need to change the Gewehr Kurz though? It had such a unique firing mode.


The burst fire had shitty hitreg


Historical change because it never had burst irl




It was one of the main reasons because of which I liked that gun. Now it seems like a STG clone. But the truth is always bitter I guess.


Continuing the discussion from Preliminary patch notes of update (26 August):

Wasn’t the altitude lowered before so fighter planes could reach AI bombers? Is their height set back to original?

Can’t believe it was like this the entire time.

I never had any issues with it to be honest.

It was reported on this very forums few months after gun was added to the game. Why was it changed only now I wonder?

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I see.

Well kinda lame to change this three years after people already bought this weapon. Plus it was what made the weapon unique and interesting.

I don’t even own one and I still find this sad honestly. HA is not a real argument anymore anyway


OMG this is hilarious.

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In anticipation of the Gewehr Kurz being in the upcoming veteran’s box I suppose. It is now truly a ‘commodity’.

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Nope , their height now is 1550m for all 3 heights

this was the original one


well the stinger uses a 100 round box that magically fits 200 rounds.

so if you dare to touch the G43K for HA, you will start a HA battle that might not end well.


Can we expect some kind of fix for the German APC at some time? Is way slower than the others and that’s quite unfair. Or replace it with a truck (Opel blitz) if the problem is because it’s a halftrack

Don’t AA rounds disssapear after 1km? This would make all guns placed below 550m (more due to math) unusable.

Correct me if I’m wrong. And I feel I’m wrong somewhere.

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20mm AA rounds disappear after 4km


Thanks for clarification.

But then why can’t I hit call in bombers when the lead indicator appears? I need to wait a while for them to get closer.
I always thought it’s because indicator appears outisde of my range but that’s not possible. Or they are actually 4km away?

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is there a new gun in the test server this time?