Testing the major update

Yes but they should not be using a weapon they don’t even have enough ammo for and the 10% damage reduction should not even exist it should just be cosmetic


It should have 600 rof at base, shell casing ejecting that doesn’t block your vision every time you shoot and a bit faster reload.
When it comes to slow loading speed you need to decrease reloading speed of the Sturmpistole (6sec) and GrB-39 (4.6sec) plus grb is zeroed at 100m for no reason. In the past few updates shooting through the windows with rocket launchers is practically impossible you will nuke yourself most of the time. Both Americans and Soviets now have much better AT pocket guns compared to the Axis, trading 10mm more of pen is not worth wasting 2.5x longer at reloading your pocket at grenade launcher.


That’s from the moon battle. Left guy is shooting some lazer used during that historical confrontation.


What if all my units are assaulters? I think theyre super cool, add serious variety to factions (allies/axis have impact/WP nades for balance anyhow)

Whats criminal is that Japan, with all the Samourai roleplaying and actual field deployed body armor (including leg armor!) has non of it ingame: Comeon devs, give us some nice Japanese body armor, would so help faction variety!



Thats flame man the left guy is shooting flame and we can see its flame in photo but nice one I laughed at it

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The scope on the Ho Ha’s Type 97 LMG still not working. Kindly make them usable.


It’s a bit disappointing that the Japanese, apart from two aircraft, will only get two weapons and a single fifth-tier vehicle. I was expecting more armaments to be announced. This will be a very poor tier.


To devs credit they’ve been adding over a dozen new weapons/vehicles last 3 patches for Japan. Its deff recieved the most focus of all the nations lately; but they cant be this biased for that long, other nations need some love.

I just dont understand why we dont get already ingame modeled content like Sturmpanzer, 17pdr AT guns, KV-2s etc that would actually generate hype and are generally already coded??

KV2 too plz


Both are in game files. Along with the Maus. Hopefully they will also release P40 for the Ger-Ita at some point and Semoverte with much bigger cannons.


Very sure I have seem a senoverte with smaller gun in editor

I assume the Maus was for the moon event, I think the jadgtiger is in there too. That we could potentially see.


Ah yes. The new soviet anti air vehicle.

God i love the IS 152

Kinda curious to see what the gunner on the FW 189 looks like.
Also, does BR 1 still fight up to rank 3 or can I use the Chi Ha and Pz38t I wasted money on?


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Tested it. They removed a gunner slot from it in two different squadrons :roll_eyes:
Now it always has a free gunner seat

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I hope there will be more restricted br brackets so I can take that out again. I had so much fun with it in Moscow!


I hope it’s an oversight that will be fixed…


I feel the same way, for the fw-189 and so much other stuff. I really want to be able to play BR 3 at some point without actually just playing BR 5.