Temporarily available: Light machine gun squads

Machine guns are often portrayed as cumbersome weapons, spraying thousands of rounds at the enemy from impregnable fortifications. However, the machine gun weapon class also includes lightweight models that perform best at the spearhead of an assault in the hands of your bravest soldiers!

Strengthen your army with premium machine gunner squads equipped with rare weapons!

From January 22nd (13:00 UTC) to January 26th (13:00 UTC), unique premium squads with the Browning wz. 1928 and the Chauchat will temporarily return to the shop for Gold.

Machine Gunners with Browning wz. 1928 (Germany, BR III)

A Polish licensed version of the BAR machine gun that fell into German hands at the start of World War II. The main differences of the “Polish Browning” include the pistol grip, the lengthened barrel and, of course, the caliber - it fires German 7.92x57mm Mauser cartridges. Features both semi-auto and automatic firing modes with a rate of fire of 660 rounds per minute.

Machine Gunners with Chauchat (USSR, BR II)

The most mass-produced French machine gun of the First World War, it was also used to some extent in the Second World War, for example, in the defense of Moscow. Its low rate of fire of just 300 rounds per minute combined with its good accuracy encourages you to use the Chauchat as a semi-automatic rifle - instead of firing short bursts, sometimes it is better to aim carefully and fire single shots.

Both squads include 4 machine gunners, plus two extra slots for two engineers, or one engineer and one AT gunner. The engineers in these squads have access to a wide range of buildable structures and can build not only anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns, but also heavy machine guns!


No discount? :pleading_face:


That better than no news so thank for that


give us heavy tank no.6 for japan hehe


Any events coming this or next week?


such a good camouflage.

kinda of a shame that it’s only limited to one squad.

anyway, unironically, the polish bar is one among the best browning weapons in this game as it goes for stats.


It’s not all for that week с:


No Lewis gun squad?

Perfect time for it to be included


I already own these squads. Can’t you at least release the updated version with premium engineer?

Similar to company A with M3 field mod.


How much is the Polish BAR? i already got the chauchat from new year but i do always want a polish BAR

also discount or no?

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Chauchat feels like its on sale every other week or so


Do we know when the unit with MG 13 with 75 rounds will return?

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I own the chauchat from new year, does anyone have any tips to use it?

Friendly reminder that there are more removed premiums than just the same 5 that get used every time. If you want people to spend money, don’t give them the Chauchat for the 8th time.


So slop squads without a discount. Amazing. It’s a miracle that you’re in business at all. If you want to give “news” like this, you should give it at the same time as the event announcement so we aren’t so put off by it.

Replace it with DP-27 squad you are welcome xD

Give up. Soviet BR2 LMGs are never worth it. Just use the PPS-42 or 43.

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I mean, the Breda Mod. 30 feels pretty good for BR2, but it’s not strictly a Soviet weapon… And apparently it’s not even availible for purchase for the Soviets anymore? I never noticed since I had a small stock of them from the past…


Nah, I fucking hated that shit. It was shit in Tunisia and it’s not any better. It’s just your lack of options that make it seem a good choice. In reality, you ought to be using SMGs like the PPS-42

Yes, it’s one of stalingrad’s legacy weapons.

But you can still get in German TT.