Tanks to Compete with the Ho-Ri

Not a fan of prototypes or paper being in tech tree. (yes I know its too late). Premium Im more okay with.

as for all these bigger and fantastical tanks, I think they are extra flavour so why not.

But personally for enlisted purposes, I think there is a point where bigger/better becomes worse. Big gun, Long reload speed, all that armor on a small map ends up worse at infantry support and a bigger target for the usual suspects.

Would like some of the early jets that were used

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This is why I want more HMC’s than anything else. Big ol howitzer > fictional/barely functioning huge hunk of steel

I agree, I believe that having hypothetical paper tanks and vehicles, including weapons, are outlandish and should not be in game. I do believe that vehicles that were in development have a possibility of being depending on the situation of balance and addition of balance and future updates and developments. The Ho-Ri I believe, good design and tank in game, but a bad choice overall that the developers made. There are multiple other prototyped and developed vehicles that would’ve been better suit to fit the role. I believe that weapons and equipment and vehicles of all sorts, depending on their situation and regular use and should be allowed. Having a gold weapon is feasible and acceptable, but having a prototype weapon in a tech tree is very outlandish and unrealistic.

On that note, the M26 Super Pershing will be coming to the game very soon. I believe once it is added in game, the Ho-Ri Will not be as good against a Super Pershing because of the added Panther armor to its front hull/turret.

Axis vehicles overall had more firepower and “thicker” armor than Allied vehicles, but the main drawback is the overwhelming weight and speed of the vehicles. It’s very easy to destroy any vehicle if a player is playing on foot and has a few AP mines/ grenades/ TNT bundles or placable TNT. The M26 is-almost equal to the Panther G in armor and equal to the Tiger1 on armor and just a few points behind in firepower. In my opinion, The M26 Super Pershing hasn’t been added yet to game because it will cause there to be an imbalance within the pacific game. The Ho-Ri has a very good gun, but the M26 SP will outflank and our maneuver the Ho-Ri and if the HR is taken out, there isn’t much that could defeat the M26SP at distance in a Tank/TD roll. (IMO ofcourse)


Lol there are tons of vehicles that are yet to be added from War Thunder, why are you worrying vehicles that are not from War Thunder.

Even if this game is not directly chained to War Thunder, those vehicles are still unlikely to come to this game.

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dont think they had that lmao;

at best you’ll get the Focke-Achgelis Fa 223, the US will get

the soviets and japanese: autogyros and/or maybe the Bratukhin Omega…

what you’re shwoing there is a tilt-rotor and I’d only want that if it had the “fun” of irl tiltrotors.

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that console icon of yours makes me doubt you couldnt compete even with little boy.

Quite sure both M2 & Drum tommy are more paper tigers than either FG42 or stg at european theather.
So there goes that paper claim.

Then again, its not germanys fault that they just had far superior engineers compared to us.
Only thing US had was pretty much the alliance with USSR, which kind of won the war single handedly

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Aaannndddd oh look a block button!