Tanks to Compete with the Ho-Ri

The Conders had 1 prototype completed during the war, that was later scrapped/disassembled.

If you believe the documentation

Still leaves the Ho-Ri

Lol then your problem is basically solved since

There is no Kraut and Commie paper.


Japan needs a little extra help, so these sort of things are okay for them. Otherwise they wouldn’t be able to exist in High BR.

IRL Japanese soldiers were lucky to get a functional bolt-action and matching pairs of shoes.


As I said, I agree they should’ve stayed out of V where they belong

I disagree. There’s no point in developing half-factions. If you don’t like it then don’t play Br V.

This doesn’t make any sense

BRV was never historically accurate to begin with. Go play BRII if that’s what you’re looking for.


Maybe I’m misunderstanding your argument… Is it because it is historically inaccurate?

The fact it did not exist as a functional model by 2 September 1945 and thus is NOT a WWII prototype

Yup. That is exactly what it looks like. The post is originally stating. He doesn’t understand how balancing affects gameplay and he only cares about himself and his action lol.


Yes, I agree, he doesn’t play all of the factions clearly nor does he care about the balance of the game. He only cares about himself and what benefits him and his faction. Hate to say it, but he truly is a crybaby in this circumstance and situation. And this isn’t the only post we have seen this from him.



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Do you not understand how game balance works? The Japanese were severely underpowered when the M2 six Pershing was added in game. To allow the Japanese to have a proper battle rating five vehicle to go against the M2 six, they had to use creative game liberty to add the vehicle. They did not implement it because it was a wooden tank or a prototype or any potential history. They directly on the basis of having a vehicle that is capable of performing against the American vehicles, you are trying to draw straws on what vehicles should be added especially when you are trying to imply that the vehicles you wish to have in game are more significant to have because they are prototyped and developed vehicles, as compared to a wooden mockup and potential vehicle. To add your American, super heavies and tank destroyer would destroy any faction that opposed it. Enlisted isn’t going to be adding potential tanks and prototype possibilities just because people ask for them to be added, if any are added in the future, it is in order to balance out the game and it’s current state of development. (Unlikely and less than expected).

You are complaining about a vehicle, the Ho-Ri, Does not have a turret or any form of Side or rear protection against franking, infantry or side shot ambushes from high BR allied players. Allies have the 105 Sherman, Calliope, M26, HVAR rockets (aircraft) and have the P38 & P47, all of which are very good vehicles and are devastating if used by a skilled player. All of which are relatively good, if you are a good enough player.

It’s not about the equipment, it’s about the player.


It is a design dating back to WW2

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Look, I’m just spiteful that literally everyone but the Allies have paper equipment. Be it guns or tanks. There are at least 1 in each tree that don’t belong in a “realistic” “WWII” game. I’m just advocating that we even the playing field a little. Little paper there, little paper here. Just to call it even

Actually, you know what? Screw it. I’ll drop the pretense. I’m trying to explain how bad of an idea it is to add any paper at all because this is what it leads to. More paper on more paper and less and less realism and less and less World War II. This crap just leads to escalation. Lot of you got butthurt when they added the T20E1 (although I agree it would’ve served us better as a BR V TT proper Auto Rifle) so here’s me being butthurt about additions to other nations that don’t make any dang sense from a historical perspective. So here I am asking for a random belt fed SMG that was never finished to deal with the Condors spam. Here I am asking for a couple tanks that are almost all post war tanks because the Ho-Ri is literally a block of wood. Look what happened. People start calling for the Maus and the IS-3 IMMEDIATELY. That’s the escalation of adding in nonexistent garbage

Now fine. Japs have an excuse. They literally don’t have anything because they didn’t have the resources, time, manpower, nor knowhow to make and produce what the US did. They dumped everything they had into their navy to pump out 2 oversized coral reefs and a couple of ok aircraft carriers and one or two good dogfighters. That helps no one in Enlisted, so you have to get a little creative
The Krauts and Commies on the other hand have absolutely 0 excuse to have any fictional bullcrap in their trees. They are filled to the brim and then some. Not to mention they’re so darn competitive with each other that the Allies then have to suffer because the Krauts can absolutely dominate mid to long range while the Allies only really have good close range and ok mid range at BR V. Notice I said can, not do. Outgunning them is possible you just have to be a sweatlord with better aim using an M2 or Drum Thompson vs their F(a)G 42’s and StG’s

So, in the future, can we agree on there being less paper and fictional bullcrap? Because I promise you it will never end well. Let’s just focus on functional prototypes for now, and we can have fun in made up land in an event or something. One of my biggest gripes with them has to be how optimized paper equipment is. There are no compromises or downsides that always come with testing and producing. It’s in its full idealized “perfect world” form, and to be completely blunt it’s just not “fair.” Even to this day no military equipment comes out of design and development in one piece. It was a very long, very EXPENSIVE, road just to get to the M1 Abrams. It took so darn long to properly design the M4 Sherman that we cobbled together the M3 Lee just to have something to give the British in the mean time! So yeah, reaching the actual functioning prototype stage is a huge milestone in weapons development, and I think it should be the benchmark we should strive for when considering new things to add to the game

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Just stick em in BR6 as some 1947 franken what if, ofc seperate que needed for that

I’ve said that this game shouldn’t be directly chained to Warthunder because there are so so many vehicles that can be added that aren’t in or may never even be in Warthunder


One of the smartest things I’ve read in a while