Tanks to Compete with the Ho-Ri

You talk that much about YoU LoVe Enlisted but want stuff that the community not love.
English is not my main speech so i simply let it be.

You have proof many times that you are a US and A Crybaby… not worth it…
Finish all Campaigns before you touch the word Balance or Fair and then we talk.

Because the whole thread is about that


true, the debated StG45 was introduced so there would be a counter to AS-44 premium, there is also Cönders which was actually finished by US XD.

so much for German paper.


HEAR HEAR my clipped wing friend! Screw Russian Bias! May it one day be a long forgotten concept resting in Hell!

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Are you not concerned about this picture



I don’t want Jet planes for Germany GIB this DF
It will be funny to at last out rocket US

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If we didn’t have it we could actually have a nice game but no they need to keep adding things to keep tipping the scales to add even more things to make this game even more absurd.

:heart: :yellow_heart: :blue_heart:

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So when do we get Little Boy to combat all the Kraut garbage we have to deal with now?

That’s not gonna happen anytime soon you’re more likely to get naval artillery

when Germany gets their jets and Maus?


I’ve been pro prototype anti paper from the get go, but if the community wants paper then at least apply paper evenly. As is the US is the sole faction without any fictional equipment. No fictional guns, no fictional planes, no fictional tanks. Let’s even out the playing field

That’s because your faction is not suffering so many artificial handicaps

Not as many, yes. We have no good automatic weapon for long range, but the armor gap has closed significantly. Plus we don’t fight the Commies which is a much bigger boon than most people realize

You technically have an automatic if you got the Vickers squad and if you abuse certain settings you can technically shoot across the map with it but overall the Americans have great cracking defenses and room cleaning equipment.

Nothing like the AS-44 or StG’s though

That’s because DF is shameless and they’ve given the Soviets almost everything of the German arsenal and also stolen from the Americans and they’ve also for some magical reason have an unlimited amount of Japanese bullets for some magical reason

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I think the only true paper or fictional stuff in game is the Ho Ri, other stuff did have prototype.

Condors was completed by the US post war

Sadly, I understand that the Japs “need” paper stuff to compete, although I agree they should have stayed sub BR V where they belonged in the first place. The Krauts and Commies though? No reason. No excuse.

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Lets add plasma cannons and light sabers because they are theoretically scientific

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Personally I thought they should’ve added the Chi-Ri instead of the Ho-Ri because its far more complete than the Ho. The Maus is also more complete than the Ho because it was at least partially built. Heck Japan has plenty of other protoypes that were physically or partially built. To me prototypes that were either fully or even partially built are fine.

Call me crazy but I could almost say that they should remove and replace the Ho with the Chi-Ri so we can avoid the paper predicament.

Now before people jump at me, let me quote myself

I can warm up to paper prototypes, but I did foresee that paper projects would be a point of contention (opposed to regular prototypes in my view)