Tank stabilizers!

yeah, but what about my damned Firefly !!!

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Hmm ā€¦ aha stabilizer for german panther is historical incorret ā€¦ maybe we can get the ā€œentkoppelte Optik des Pantherā€
( Optik des Panther vs Stabilisierung des Sherman - Waffen des Heeres - Forum der Wehrmacht)
Really funny ā€¦ improvements for german tanks are evil!

Can we get a Flamethrower fix after 3 month? Phosphor update was a mess too. Its not more a shooter then a thrower on Tunesia and Normandie :stuck_out_tongue:
Fire threw walls is reported times ago ā€¦ T - Rex is my witness
The flak patch was 1 in the RIGHT way. Phosphor 3 steps backward!

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I also like to use low tier tanks, like pz38t, but those low tier vehicles are really useless against high tier vehiclesā€¦
There could be a lower spawn point or use lower team resources, but there is nothing now.

Yes and with TNT you can now set only a tank-engine in fire ā€¦ with big luck.

You are not going to face high tier vehicles when using low tier vehicles anyway after the battle rating is implemented.

it was sarcasm, but who knows, maybe it stops the AT gun shakingā€¦

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That is the worst way. Various tier tanks should be have each own position in one game. Thatā€™s not a real atmosphere that this game has been talking about.

So you think stuart vs tiger or panzer2 vs t34 is a good experience?

The matchmaking will fail and the vz 38 will be fighting t 34 or t 34 85

Why the matchmaking will fail in the first placeā€¦ You didnā€™t even give a reason.

This is cool and all, but I just want the progression changes to be made so I can figure out what to do with my real money, in game currency, and orders.

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Keo said that BR a soft restriction, so depending on player count and implementation might happen.

MIGHT being a key word. Works fine in other games.
Not like the current MM isnā€™t terrible. So tired of having all noobs face Shermans and tommy guns in Tunisia.

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They can already go faster. An example is the BT-7 it used to be capped, but got a healthy buff to its speed.

However since the maps are so small there are no places where the speed is really needed.

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It will still be a rare thing.

You act like this doesnā€™t happen all the time already.

Current mm is not great, new mm might even be worse. Depends on implementation details.

why not? They existed in same time. But their position is absolutely different, you know. Light vehicles are for recon, supporting infantry, not for against heavy tank. These details are what this game have to improve. Make low tier vehicles do their own role. Also, for halftracks and otherā€™s kind of vehicles that will be added someday, tier based-MM must not be implemented.