T-54 from march 1945

since t 44 100 is post-war and will not be presented in the game. I decided to look for something that was not post-war. I didn’t find normal docks, but… I found what WAS a sample of the T-54 in MARCH 1945.

t 54 1945 is also armed with D10-T like t 34 100

Here’s about the tests, photos, etc. In theory, the diagram may show a dshk on top, but I have no evidence of this. But it is known that there is a paired one.
As a result, the T-44-100 is not historical, but the T-54 from 1945 is. Tested on March 13, 1945. Yes, the T-44-100 would be better than the T-54 of 1945. Due to the fact that at least it has a DShK.



This is not true - the T-44 was far more advanced than the T-54 prototype in 1945 and is completely historical

The T-54 was a response to problems with the T-44-100 that had already been built, and you can see the turret is almost the same.

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the first prototype of the t-44-100 was in feburary the war in europe ended in may, and the war as a whole ended in september for those who were wanting a timeline


Then why did you suggest the T-54 in the first place?
T-44s were at least made during the war was still going in Europe.

I find it funny how people like to suggest tanks like T54 all the time - while completely disregarding how IS3 existed, because Soviet players all agree that 122mm guns long reload is simply terrible.

Maybe - just maybe we should start having a discussion on end of war prototype tanks in general, if it would help gameplay first.

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