Well, not guns, I’d rather see both of them at the event, and give two of each
The worthless sword you sent has brought our morale to the lowest point.
Why people hate the swords, hope it killed hope. After the first two delays we god gold orders. So each new delay created hope hope that was killed when we got swords. Also the end of the old battle pass and gold orders stacked so we get sword gate.
Played this game for over 3 years and this is becoming a joke.
Yeah,that is what I want.
At least swords are fun. It would’ve been more of a joke if they gave away engineer hammers like that one time.
I love the Mkb 42 … i prefer it over the StG …
The Federov one well … i think its a bit overrated, but would stil be nice to have em.
What about axes? And bayonets?
Or it’s the normal sprint and not charging?
The axe is the best i think 1 hit kill and you run fast af with it
Only the Sword and NKVD Knife have x1.5 buffs.
Charge is not what matters.
Sprint Speed x1.5 is important.
Axe does not have a sprint speed increase buff.
Hi @MajorMcDonalds , do you know whether fixing the “downed players being resistant to melee attack” is on the roadmap?
Would be so shameful to have all these shiny swords and not being able to use them properly.
Yeah hitting anything but a standing soldier can be hard if you are standing
Crouched, prone,or huddled you often have to crouch to hit them or get lucky.
My soldiers do tho
Made a few practice runs with level 5 Japanese soldiers, no speed/stamina buffs, and you’re proven right - I did not know it.
First I checked how long they can charge, then put there a sandbag and measured the different setups until they reach the sandbag. They reached the target in this amount of seconds (measured with stopper, not precise - and of course, smaller value is better):
sprint charge
knife 10.3 ---
bayonet 10.3 9
swordpistol 10.3 9
axe 10.3 9
shin gunto 8.8 7.7
katana 8.8 7.7
run sprint charge
knife 13.8 10.3 ---
LMG 13.8 11.6 ---
AT rifle 15.5 --- ---
Yeah they do but my soldiers has run speed and stamina so it helps with my axe when sprinting normlly or charging
I think this is probably to do with Baynet “reach” being awful. Also it feels like its directional…only focus’s forward horizontally.
I hope at some point, Bayonets reach gets expanded, and the direction attacks fixed. Also the charging getting cancelled the moment you start it (using all stamina) is very annoying
Its a bit annoying, but the worst part about bayonets is the dumb little circling dances you do when your both suffering skill issue, I mean as much as I would like a mount and blade melee system, I know we will never get it so just something to help in those moments like better rotation or something.
I want to make a few things clear.
First of all, the swords are really cool rewards and usually most players would be happy to get them. The side rewards of the event are a total of 90x appearance orders and 15000 silver, these are also good rewards. So are the playerbase behaving like spoiled children?
No, not at all.
Last year swords were rewarded in events multiple times -5 swords just in the birthday event alone- so the demand for them right now is low.
events with swords
Enlisted is 4 years old!
Georgy Shpagin’s birthday
Anniversary of the Gewehr 98's adoption
The battle pass shop that is universally loved by all of the playerbase is going to be closed, even though none of us wants it to close!
For all players, this is the last chance to pick up the BP weapons/vehicles/soldiers they want and there are lots of them, especially now since every BP item is back in the shop.
However for the past 4 months players couldn’t get a single gold order from the battle pass or events, even though there were multiple large scale events. It’s simple supply and demand really.
The demand for more GOs is higher than it has ever been so the players expected a final event before the closure of the BP shop with its rewards being nothing but gold orders.
For the past weeks we have been yapping about nothing else but gold orders so the event not containing a single gold order suggests to the player base that our voice either does not reach the developers or the devs ignore everything we say.

you dont even need to speak English to understand this one:

Apparently they heard our desires but just don’t care. Artificial shortage of high demand item hits different I guess