Supply drop: Special Delivery

Except for Japan, sword is always lacking
I need 24 swords for each country.
I need a total of 72 swords


Once again. Event with no value, cheap and lazy. No professional pride, cutting corners and thrown cheap snacks to shut us up. I wish DF would have the will to be forward/different. Gaming industry is on a very very low bar in terms of quality/ service but thats doesn’t mean you have to follow it as benchmark. Wake up!


I’m happy because of the Russian swords.

But where are the GO for vehicles?! Please do not give us another GO weapons order

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Woooo 8 swords :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire: Thank you

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Alright I have been collecting my thoughts on this.

First, devs seriously hire someone for communication who is an expert in expectation management.

Second, the community in the forum has a tendency to be overly negative. Free swords, i know its not what everyone wants, but cmon don’t eminently write it off as the devs being lazy. There putting something together quick because their bussy dealing with the dellay.

Also question for the devs, im stil confused why a larger event is not ready yet? Does that also have to wait because of the delay? is everything being postponed?
→ this is were you have to communicate clearly, or else everyone is going to be disappointed all over again!


Made the rocky mistake of bringing a sword to a (gold order) gun fight.


I will do this event only if I can trade all the rewards for 1 stinger

Hahahahahaha my coffee gone all over me that was a gooden


English here, friend


@Мёртвый_Тюлень English only


my knowledge of English is not enough to describe my feelings, and knowledge of Russian profanity will lead to a blockage, so I will describe my thoughts as follows :


Rather lackluster event.

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Swords are cool, especially for newer players who haven’t gotten that many (I am in desperate need of more British and German swords). I get that the veterans are annoyed, they’ve probably already got several, the event should have included some other weapons too and maybe even a vehicle gold order…

But, no useless booster! You are indeed learning, as well as a not too insignificant amount of silver, and quite a few appearance change orders, always looking for more of those!

:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :eight_pointed_black_star: :eight_pointed_black_star: :eight_pointed_black_star: :eight_pointed_black_star: 6/10 stars, I can see you are trying.

Edit: I can’t count stars.


Swords galore is not “stingy” it just fails to impress veterans. Last sword event was last summer, and you only got the one not eight (not counting the one Japanese event where you got five, becase Japan already has swords).


Is this really the compensation you guys want to give for the massive number of days of delays? Please take into consideration when giving compensation to a customer it needs to be good enough or reasonable to make up for it, because when the compensation is this insignificant or even irrelevant, it makes the players feel insulted for even waiting for your compensation in the first place. Because this event really doesn’t feel good enough to make up for the massive delays.

Please, I am almost begging you to reconsider this whole thing in general, because it’s not only giving you a worse reputation, but stuff like this is only going to hurt the game’s future in the long run. This is absurdity and insanity. At this point, I am now feeling like you guys just want this game to die or spit on the player’s face for rightfully complaining about your course of action and decisions. This is getting painful to look at…


I think this event is pretty nice. we asked for something to do while the delayed BP was being delayed but im assuming they update will come out when the event is done

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You guys are getting ridiculous with the tasks. Japan can buy swords, swords are “meh” 60 bolt action kills? LOL Geez why not make it 100 melee kills? Appearance orders? What did you listen to one person on the previous post about not having orders? Do a gold event like you did awhile back. No one would be complaining. Right now you are damaging the player base. No amount of rotten carrots is going to help that. Now you have people on Youtube turning on you. People who love your game and bring the company revenue in the form of free advertising. Now those same people are upset. They reach thousands of people. Most of their viewers are players. Some are great videos making the game that much better. So do the right thing. If you make an event, do not make it the worst one when people are upset we have lost 12 levels on the battle pass so far.


Suffering is worth it, also I’m fine with using the 44 carbine or 91/30 in Berlin

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Bro enlisted could not be this deep :sob: