Supply drop: Special Delivery

Gold orders was given as compensation recently. If they devs will give players so often and so many - their value will down. And it will devalue earlier events - in them gold older was last or nearly to last reward

Swords as reward are unique, they can be given to every soldier. And they were in events a long time ago (nearly to year)

Someone gets it, love dripping out my soldiers and Iā€™d love if the Italians got their actual uniforms added to winter campaigns. Even though my knowledge is limited on Hungary in the war is limited Iā€™m always welcome to more countries being added


Was hoping for something a little more exciting than swords. Though I know this is sort of just to pad the time till a certain company decides to let the Dark Flow actually update the game, Iā€™ll make the most of the katanas and put them on more battlepass soldiers.

I really hope the event for Japan coming in the next season will more than make up for all of this, I really am excited for it.


What an odd inspiring way to boost moralā€¦ now y get a sword to take long walks in an unbalanced no players, no engineers ā€œgameā€. Really helpfull.
How about a bullet in the back if y retreat?

Just grind the rest of achievement with GO

I know most players are always talking about gold weapon orders since those are the real deal, but no soldier or vehicle gold order was given and players would love to have one more of those too. Especially since the BP shop will soon shut down.

In fact Im amazed how stingy DF is with GOs, it doesnt cost themā€¦


If they wanted to keep player counts up and have people, you know, actually excited to play the event, gold orders would be a much better way to do that.

I mean Iā€™m still playing the game regardless of events or battle passes. Itā€™s a fun thing to do after a busy day even if itā€™s of questionable quality. But this isnā€™t a good way to retain players lol.

But most importantly, itā€™s especially a bad way to get people to have faith in the game - and its developers - and be willing to spend money on it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


yea im literally starting w40k dow 2 last week and playing it while waiting for new bp and stuff and personally if it was pistol it would be a bit more ā€œuniqueā€ imo


In fact, I really like that ENG Forum users fully understand the absurdity of the situation, unlike a large number of my compatriots who think that, given all the BP delays and GO withdrawals, the saber event is a worthy undertaking. Considering that it was the ENG community that managed to organize a riot in the neighboring project - War Thunder, and they (you) were able to achieve their demands, it seems to me that if not you, then no one will be able to change the game for the better, if you know what I mean.


there we play again :video_game:

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That Artwork makes me so much want a USSR vs Kwantung Manchuria Map!


In fact, if the game doesnā€™t change for the better, Iā€™m afraid the game will just hit EOS (End of Service) and be closed down permanently, because while War Thunder has the advantage of really being a unique game with barely any competition, Enlisted is in the FPS genre where there is a ton of competition going on and where player retention is key to success many newcomers could be driven away and instead will just go to different games, although they donā€™t offer the same things Enlisted does.

If the devs really want this game to succeed and really take off on player numbers, they need to change their course of action. Because I really like this game, I really do and if I didnā€™t like this game, I wouldnā€™t be here reading the forum and posting lengthy in-detailed responses in hopes they listen and improve for the better and instead would have uninstalled the game and never looked back while I got back on Red Orchestra 2, Rising Storm 2 or even modding up Ravenfield to get the same service bolt action rifle battles that I like so much here.

The devs have something good in their hands, and they can improve it in a way they can make it GREAT, but all these recent situations make me more and more concerned in general and, overall, itā€™s pretty sad to be honest.



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Hehe, even re 2001CN and lagg-3-34 sale might have gone down better :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:




If youā€™re going to give these pittances, itā€™s better not to give anything at all. Why wouldnā€™t they think of doing so? Clearly, the community is at least asking for gold orders.


Was expecting 150-200 appearance order but okay, cool sword I guess?

Pittance yes, nothing at all please kindly edit the universe

Swords are valuable but why bring a blade to a gunfight just dont get it

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Just wait until you wipe out a squad with one. The feeling of success is immense. :slight_smile: