I have no faith in the translators and if I can help it I do not want to make a fool of myself so at best if I do go to that side I’ll need an interpreter to make my topics before I even send them out on that side.
They physically can’t handle on pumping out as much as content as they used to in the past and they’re trying to turn whatever little bit of stuff they can into events.
more attack range … dat is the only thing?! WOW I need the Katarnas … not then …
Gaijin-san, Dark-flow-san, where is my gold order?
Although I like the swords and need more this is kinda disappointing still
I would love to do that at some point larping as volkstrum or an accurate Soviet squad closing in on Berlin but the grind isn’t finished
average VS equipment doesn’t go past br III
but it’s alright.
I like you as fwend, we may disagree in many things but you have valid points
welll, that one pretty much dislike anyone who doesn’t agree with him.
how ironic…
Wait is it two swords per level or a choice between one of the two?
Nice little event by the way. I like swords.
Hoping for a bigger event soon.
2, so 8 swords total
I think it’s 2 swords
- I would suggest 1 gold order, weapon,soldier,vehicle, sword, some gold and also one sword per faction it’s my ideal suggestion
the sword icons look confusing, to clarify: can every single sword token buy a sword for any of the 4 nations?
do bolt action sniper rifles count for the 60 kill task?
advice: this event will bring up the dropped player numbers but likely 90% of the players expected to see gold orders and this event disappoints regarding that. the best decision is to give everyone a weapon gold order for free now as an easy make-players-happy-button.
I won’t lie, I’m disappointed there’s no gold orders as a final reward, but this is something at least. Thank you for doing this in the meantime.
I think many people don’t know,
Sword is one of the best weapons in in-game.
It is the only one that increases the speed of sprint. (x1.5)
However, Japan has type 95, so it would have been nice to be able to exchange it for another country’s Sword.
Morality improved
Looks like you still don’t understand what this means.
If this is a regular activity, players may not have any objections, but for an activity aimed at soothing people’s hearts, this is too stingy.