Supply drop: Special Delivery

Off the Cliff? Cliff Who?

Which seemed to be perpetually keep getting delayed And especially for when it comes to Germany or japanā€™s content and when it comes to your policies of getting equipment now at this point which comes from the battle pass it makes things even more depressing.

i mean swords are cool but nowhere near enough compensationā€¦feel like im logging in to keep my streak for no reason

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This thing you usually see on the side of mountains if you were to fall off it you might die and at this point I think weā€™re currently free falling still and havenā€™t hit the ground yet

Dont bring a knife to a gunfight. We need guns at least.

I believe most of us are falling into hysteria we might have a false hydra in the area.

well I was hoping for weapons even if they were reused from past events or Gold order like that would have been very pleasing but this I donā€™t know chief.


Just listen to the lullaby and hopefully weā€™ll forget this horrible dream

@Greyparrots If you continue to try to spread dissent in the thread, there will be consequences. Wind your neck in. Final warning.


Now I know why it was pointless for me to even start talking again and Iā€™ll probably be better off doing anything else but this.


Japan can buy Katanas ā€¦ why Katanas ?! Any other by this event Kartanas?! More speed while charching or?

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Back to the cage he goes.


The Japanese can buy Shin Gunto, not Katana

Katana are slightly better (slightly longer range of attack)


Id be happier if we could appeal bans at least. I think others may agree or disagree. Justice to some people who deserve it.


But the difference is pretty much unnoticeable. Japanese katanas are just not worth it


or join us chads and trixies at br V with full volkssturm loadouts :wink: ( an equivalent would be for king and country :uk: in the pacific & western front. or serve the emperor. idk. you donā€™t have to just bully low lvls in br II you knowā€¦ you get to bully meta gloryhounds too. )

as it goes for the thread at hand:


" nuff said "


I honestly expected one weapons GO as the main reward. Darkflow still managed to disappoint.


GreyParrot, I suggest a compromise.
Come join us in the RU segment of the forum, where people are more tolerant of the ideas of misunderstood geniuses.
Itā€™s fun there, you wonā€™t get reported as often.
Youā€™ll gather a cult of parrots and then come back to ENG.

:camel: :parrot:


I want to finally have a normal Japanese semi-automatic rifle on BR III. On this BR, Hei and Otsu are a joke. I could buy Type Hei 10, but I need Gold Orderā€¦


Whats about content? Its called Axis / Allies Where is Italy? Where is great Britain as faction alone and where is france?! China vs Japan ? Finnland vs Russia? Italy can goes on with Romania together and ā€¦ wishes and they will never come!
#future of Enlisted

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