Supply drop №3

That’s not how that works, carbine has to do with size, not cartridge. At least back then, for example, the SKT-40 uses 7.62x54R


Not like a garand the you have to manually, clear the empty en-block also unlike M1 the rifle is reloaded from under the gun , you open magazine cover pull out the en-block insert new one and thats it

Edit : oh well it seems you figured it out , yourself
Funny how they got it wrong though

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Then they really need to correct this, they could just use modified PTRS reload animations for this.

Event tasks are designed in the way that players can choose the ones they want to complete while still getting the main rewards. For example, this is why we added an additional task for getting battle score, so players can play 4 battles or just get 6k score.


I also noticed its 3 days not the regular 2. That is why it seemed like a super grind. I assume the 6k is accumulated? I am lucky to have a 6k+ round game every other day.

Really? Why weren’t more adopted?

So there’s 15 tasks you can do

Every 2 days you’ll get new tasks, with 5 per day you can complete

In any order on any given day, when you complete 5, 8, and 11 tasks out of all available tasks for the duration of the event, you will get the big boy rewards. Each individual task you complete will give you one of the small rewards you can see in the table there

The American MG 34 or 42 whichever it is jammed every single bullet too

Maybe they simply don’t want to spend too much energy on the SKS-30.
If no one points this out, they can pretend everything is fine.

Why SVS?

@MajorMcDonalds SKS-30 reload animation is incorrect now, need to be fixed.


I dont think they gonna listen here , you might need to make another topic

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I think it would be more useful to post it in the Russian forum.
Honestly, every time I do this, I lose a small piece of my enthusiasm for Enlisted. And now there is not much left. :melting_face:


Which way should the illustration be read? Top to bottom or bottom to top? So, for example, if I win the 1st star in phase 1, will I get the 2000 silvers at the top or the 1500 at the bottom? It’s not very clear.

Carcano and Mannlicher rifles have blocks, but they arent double stack like M1, I think.

Although I’m not certain, at the time the garand was being designed it was either that or a milled magazine fed by stripper clips or an en bloc, so a lot of countries probably chose the magazine/clip since you don’t need to deal with having to manufacture/transport an entire other type of “magazine” that can’t really be used with anything else.

….frick you know what? You’re right. They just look different and my mind always assumed they were stripper clips without paying enough attention. Lol

The M1 Garand was design in the ‘30’s. Lemme get the exact date of adoption real fast
Adopted in 1936. The first semi auto to be adopted as the main service rifle and given to “all” frontline troops (give or take some Thompson’s and M1 Carbine’s)
And uh, yeah American manufacturing and logistics. Lol

The M1 had box-magazine magazine fed prototypes, it’s just magazines are expensive to produce and at the time weren’t that reliable, so 90% of the time were fed by stripper clips. Also iirc the military didn’t trust soldiers with magazines, but I read that a while ago so I might be misremembering.

Also even if you have the manufacturing capability, having to deal with two distinct types of ammunition storage is annoying. Anecdotally there’s a ton of stories about soldiers being sent stripper clips instead of en blocs.

so NOT the power of a full power rifle cartridge at all🙄