Ah that’s there the V comes from. Got it. I was trying to find another example of an SVS and it doesn’t exist. Lol. But yeah no, carbines were length, not cartridge
This gun sucks
This rifle was supposed to have a bayonet.
Anyone keeping A running list of every weapon with a missing bayonet?
I am, gonna make an updated version of this soon, maybe after the next update:
That’s the SKS-31:
But it does look like the bayonet setup is the same on the SKS-30:
(ignore the missing cleaning rod)
But it shouldn’t reload like that.
Timing 27:32
Now a question for the developers, is it okay with you that this rifle not only has the animation of the M1 Garand, but also loads incorrectly?
You already have a weapon that reloaded like this, have you really lost the technology over the years?
BTW! I hope the money saved from developing this rifle will go towards a VERY NEEDED new rap CGI video for War Thunder
We forwarded this problem to the devs, but from there is up to them. P.S I hope players understand that change of reload animation is gonna highly impact on reload speed, since reloading from the bottom is a lot less practical and convenient.
If that’s the case, tell them to lower it to br2 to compensate
Compensate for what? There is not a single semi-automatic with a 10-round magazine and a one-shot in survivability perk on br 2.
I got the SKS, one thing seems wrong - I don’t see the clip springing out after spending all 10 bullets, it only appears on part-spent ammo reload
This reminds me of that video of a guy reloading a Mosin from the bottom side:
Looks quite absurd. Does it work? Technically, yes, but is less elegant, and in combat conditions you could catch dirt into the magazine much easier.
With that mentioned - let’s not push for absurdities. In the case of SKS, I believe the quicker reload should stay in the game (the current one, loading from the top - Garand-style).
It’s not historical. in real life, the SCS 31 was charged from below
Also in real life it didn’t only load from below, but the only SKS variant that was field tested was the 5-round version (SKS-31).
And even that one did not pass troop trials.
The 10 round-version we are getting in this event (SKS-30) was deemed a failure by the commission right away.
Well I would want to make a topic suggesting few things but unfortunately I am limited to one draft so before I start , Can you guys update the forum so it would not limit us for 1 draft
Now what I wanted to make suggestion , the other day I played with capture MP-40 and when aiming down sight there was a bump on the side of the gun It made me curious since German Mp-40 doesn’t have that bump and it turn out that that bump was made so the casing would always fall inside a catcher , but in game we don’t have that catcher , and since people brought up SKS-30 reload problem here I would like to make a suggestion to add that side catcher to Captured MP-40
(In game look without the catcher)
(Real life variant with catcher)
Also another thing at the end of the barrel there shouldn’t be any muzzle nut as Forgotten weapon mentions they have been removed so a suppressor could be fitted but we don’t know for sure but there is no muzzle nut at the end of the barrel.
@James_Grove & @MajorMcDonalds hope you guys give this feedback to devs I would like to make a topic about it but like I said Im limited to one draft and I worked on that draft for quiet a while and don’t want to lose it .
Same for normal M1 Garand, no clip pinging out when empty, only partial reload. GL version seems fine because of different reload animation.
, I believe the quicker reload should stay in the game
Premium Beretta M31 reloads this way. And its reload time is even quicker (2.8 sec)
Stinger reloading is fast as hell despite being bulky and magazine-belt fed but because of coding the reload time to be fast, I don’t see a problem making longer reloading procedure of SKS-30, just code it to reload real fast like the buffed Type 4 clip clip clack.
Very nice. Playing enlisted again to grind for it:D