Suggestions to improve AI, Squad Mechanics, Gameplay and New Game Modes!

AI Improvement Suggestions

-AI should get behind cover automatically that’s facing the enemy’s attacking direction or enemy markers(which ever marker is closer or direction getting shot from) and not get in front of the cover that’s facing enemy or stand outside window or house from direction the enemy is attacking from to get shot in back which happens too often, AI should be aware where the enemy is and is attacking from.

-AI in buildings should face/cover windows, doors, stairways especially if the window is facing direction of enemy or enemy markers or take cover even behind any object nearby like sofas or couches or desks or rubble and not look away from marker by staring into blank wall like they usually do now, so enemy cant sneak up inside house/building on them and kill them from behind, AI should change covers depending on changing enemy attacking direction or movement and markings; for example If AI is taking cover inside a house and the enemy attacking direction is from north then AI will get behind a window that’s facing north or any furniture or object then if the enemy sneaks up behind house from south they should change cover to new enemy position and all your squad members should always cover/face every possible entry point into house whether its windows, doors, stairs or holes in walls or at least the ones closer to enemy direction if house is large building since they won’t be able to cover them all in large structures. They should poke their heads up occasionally to gain line of sight on potential enemies then duck down if shot at then poke head out again once fire stops to engage enemies in their line of sight, they should also blind fire from behind cover if fire is continuous. They should never stand in middle of a room looking at a random wall. When not inside a house/structure AI should try to take cover behind any rubble or vehicles burnt or not or behind any elevated position whether little hill or ditches and trenches.

-And when attacking a house/building the AI should try to go room to room to clear building not go and sit in one room without checking other rooms, or at least have option to make them go room to room clearing if you feel there’s danger inside rooms like anti-personnel mines and don’t want them to fall victim.

-AI should react to sounds and look in that direction whether its gunshots or footsteps or unknown vehicle sounds which ever is closer, this would make crawling or sneaking more useful like crouch walking which would make less noise. They should also react to voices or voice commands being shouted by enemy whether its giving commands or yelling out enemy markers. This would make sneaking around to mark enemies more challenging as it would make it possible for enemies to hear you.

-AI actually looks in direction of marker(AI would look to which ever marker is closer or direction getting shot from). Currently sometimes not all of your squad members look towards markers even though they are suppose to, some still be looking in wrong directions or be too slow then get shot in back or let enemy sneak around behind them. They should also keep looking in that direction or be faced towards it until new closer markers appear or they spot or hear enemies/shots or get shot from new direction. If no enemies is sighted or being engaged or shot at, the AI should continuously SCAN and look around the enemy attack direction or markers searching for targets, so AI doesn’t suffer from Tunnel Vision with sight being hooked on 1 spot then end up shot from other spot few feet to the right or left or up or down because AI wasn’t looking there and was hooked on only 1 spot.

-AI needs improvement to its line of sight because currently too often you see AI stand in front of other AI enemy and just stare at them without reacting and having a little staring contest, so giving them proper line of sight the AI will engage all closest enemies in that line of sight or which ever is shooting at them first, of course the line of sight should have distance limit so wouldn’t see or engage enemies at large distances away like some super robots, unless enemy is marked or they see movement in that direction but not if the enemy is stationary at that distance and not marked, while at closer ranges they would engage any enemies in their line of sight moving or stationary instantly, AI with Scopes should obviously increase line of sight(one more thing to add in game to make AI use Scopes on weapons), trees, objects, brushes, bushes or tall grass(wheat/corn fields) or areas with no light should block or hinder that line of sight also, currently AI seems to magically see you through wheat/corn fields while stationary which shouldn’t be possible, at least hinder line of sight if many corn plants in way or if deep inside cornfield. Having proper line of sight for AI might also make them use placed weapons like MG placements or AA guns or AT guns or MG position in tanks by commanding them to use them as they will only fire what they can see or order them to shoot, can even switch to driver or MG position in tanks while the AI in gunner position can engage targets at will or as directed and gunner’s fire and target engagement successes will depend on tier and level and perks that soldier has. if AI has no line of sight on enemy but they are being shot at from the enemy from a certain direction, the AI will return blind fire in that direction whether they are marked or not.
To prevent all AI players from becoming instant killing robots make Tier and AI player level determine reaction time and time spent identifying target, higher levels and tiers would have faster reaction and identifying times so not all AI players would have same reaction times to instantly target and kill targets on sight, of course enemy markers should help decrease reaction and identifying times as they would already know enemy is there same with closer ranges should also decrease these reaction times. But the reaction times of the lowest tier should be realistic to a average human being’s reaction time not too super slow.
Most importantly make AI remember targets, AI seems to suffer from amnesia after seeing or engaging enemies they seem to forget they were even there, after engaging or seeing an enemy at a direction they should continue to look in that direction unless other markers pop up near by or get fried from new directions or see new enemies. If in aggressive mode if they see an enemy and then the enemy disappears nearby or in next house or room they should pursue and go after them or grenade area if you allow them to grenade freely(which should also be a command option if want your squad to go grenade at will).

-Give AI ability to use Mortars/artillery, by telling them to deploy if they are in your squad and telling them to engage certain area on map or enemy markers, or tell them to fire at will and they will engage any enemy markers in range or any enemies it can see in its line of sight.

-And the enemy’s camouflage uniform should have effect on line of sight at distances making them more useful as it would make it unable for AI to not to see them at greater distances blending them in, each camouflage having more camouflage effect/rating depending on what type of vegetation or object they are nearby or standing close to(winter camo having more rating on snow, wooded camo more in vegetation or greener areas, or the orangey brownish German pea dot camo more rating in muddy/trench areas n etc).

-Currently what i have noticed is that AI never mounts their weapons when they are laying on ground or near elevated object or window. So should make AI automatically mount their weapons when they are behind an elevated object or window or laying on ground.

-Give AI ability to mark targets based on any enemies they see in their line of sight or direction they might be getting shot from. Unless enemy infantry has been already marked in that specific area or vehicles have already been marked, so there isn’t a spam of AI marking enemies. If no enemies have been marked in an area and AI is taking fire from that direction and the AI cant see enemies in their line of sight then if equipped with binoculars it will try to use it to see enemies in their line of sight with the binoculars to mark or to engage.

-Currently i have noticed is that AI has unlimited ammo to make it more realistic make AI run out of ammo and they will automatically resupply when close to caches,it should also tell you how much ammo ammo/grenades each squad member has on screen so you know when they are low on ammo or out of ammo so you can go near a cache so they can resupply. AI should also resupply at med kit caches on medic kits if out. One other aspect of this that can be annoying is if you run out of ammo then switch to another soldier and then switch back to original soldier and that soldier will still have 0 ammo even if he was standing near cache. So If AI is near a cache they should automatically resupply with ammo so you don’t have to baby sit every soldier in squad to resupply individually.

-AI has morale and can retreat if overwhelmed by attacking enemy forces or if facing larger enemy numbers and suppressive fire while attacking. Would retreat to your position or back to safer place maybe even all the way back to main spawn point. This way your AI troops are no longer suicidal making you think and plan before attacking and preventing too many unnecessary deaths lowering reinforcements count. AI player tier and level would determine how fast or often this can happen. If Proper suppression is introduced like i talk about further down in this post then if AI is fully suppressed for long periods of times and cant return fire then it will try to retreat back by running when given chance or crawling to safer spot especially if attacking.

-With the new update the AI is suppose to use stationary machine guns and will leave it if an friendly player approaches, instead of this you should be able to only use the MG place in use by an AI by clicking a button which u normally use to get in placements so you do not disturb AI while engaging enemies, but AI should linger around waiting to get back on placement until the player leaves the placement or the player controlling that AI cancels order or gives new order.

Squad Mechanics Suggestions

-Ability to change squad uniform/appearance in battle before spawning in for example currently if squad has green camo uniform but a winter map with snow loads then you have no way to switch on your winter uniform to blend in. So being able to switch appearance before you spawn will help spawning in with right uniform to blend in. Should also have same option to change vehicle paint too. I get you cant make all of the uniforms available for ever map since most were only available during certain time periods so have to make only available in the selection that’s available in that campaign. But all uniforms that were available in Moscow, Stalingrad, Tunisia or any earlier campaigns should all be available in later campaign maps too even the desert and winter ones and gloves.

-Having Rules of engagement separate from Aggressive/passive commands, introduce hold fire to not fire at all command and only return fire command and fire at will command for rules of engagement commands, while aggressive mode will make them engage and pursue enemy up to a certain distance, for instance if there are enemy markers near by or they hear sounds of gunfire/footsteps nearby they will go and investigate especially if it is coming from next room in same building or outside building which will be useful during assaults, while in passive mode they will stay put where they are and not investigate or pursue enemy markers or sounds instead just look and become attentive towards that direction which would be useful during defending when you don’t want your squad to leave their positions.

-Make it possible to give commands to squad to lay mines, it can be burdensome to have to manually switch to every player in your your squad just to place all the mines present in your squad, would work same way as attack orders are given as you point place where you want to place mines and choose which type of mine and they will automatically place.

-If you have an engineer in your squad you should be able give command to place construction placements, then your engineer would automatically come and build it, instead of having to switch to your engineer to make placements.

-Ability to Divide Squads into Fire-teams: whether you want just 2 or more then 2 fire-teams you can divide up your squad in main menu or while in game if one of your fire-teams loses most of its men and you want to merge or just want to create new fire-team during combat and can give separate command to each fire-team for example telling your MG/Sniper fire-team to set up position while you flank around with your other squad members.

-Also make it possible to give commands individually to each soldier like if you want specific soldiers to defend and cover different points.

-When giving commands or yelling out radial chat options or calling for help the mouth should actually move along with voice. When issuing commands your arm/hand should also give signal or point towards where your giving command to move and etc., this way you can see which of your enemies is squad leader if you see them using arm to point from afar.

-Introduce Voice chat command you can give commands to your squad by saying the command by mic. Something like this was present in Tom Clancy’s End War which was a pretty useful feature if you wanted to save time by saying the command through mic instead of looking for button or command option with controller.

-Make squad management a bit closer to what it was in game brothers in arms where you can tell your squad members to get behind specific covers or make all squad members find cover nearby not just move to certain area and most importantly to engage or suppress or shoot a certain direction whether its some target or marker or any direction you point at.

Here’s example of how it worked in the brother in arms game:

h ttps://

-Add 8 members to German assault squads: and have option of unlocking all 8 assault squad members just like you can for engineer squads where you can unlock all 6 spots for engineers, historically German assault squads had 8 man assault squads which were introduced in November 1944.

Here is detailed videos on their layouts:

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-Make map more interactable when commanding squad, can give commands on map too instead of relying on visual targets to give commands.

-Multiple Deployment Sets: Before if you progressed to a higher rank in a campaign and started using squads that came with higher tier soldiers, your older squads pretty much became useless and collected dust even now after major update there’s a huge inventory of many squads you might not get to use at all. So instead of giving option to sell them why not make them more useful? By making it so that when all your squads die out in game you get to pick different squads from your inventory maybe even get to create different deployment sets(can have 2-3 sets or more if you buy premium membership?) which you can call up after your first deployment set dies that way your older squads wont be useless. In that sense can also make reserves more useful and can be actually used in battle where if your squad loses any men you can call up reserve soldiers(if that particular class is available in squad reserves) and they would spawn in from nearest spawn point and give your current squad last little longer life in battle. Of course reserve call up would have limit so your not calling in infinite amount of reserves for just one squad. In your squad upgrades you can upgrade to have 1-2 reserve spots for every soldier in your squad which you get to choose from reserves, so every squad can have 1-2 reserve spots for every soldier in squad.

-Ability to command your squad to heal, your squad never heals until they are downed making them walk around with lower HP, without having to switch to them individually to heal them you should have command to order them all to heal.

-Aside from Formation Commands to stand closer or standard or wider apart, there should also be commands to apply different kind of formation types like skirmish line formations or row formation or marching formation, depending on what is needed during combat or marching:

Squad formations for Germans:

h ttps://
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Squad formations for US:

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Squad formations for Soviets:

from 4:50 on-wards:
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Vehicle Suggestions

-Make minor Transport vehicles like jeeps spawn in every main spawn points especially in large maps where its a pain to walk/run to objectives which are far away when no one has built any spawn points. Although Half tracks have been introduced with mechanized infantry in new update should have ability to spawn in with transport trucks for all squads by unlocking in squad upgrades and also researched in research section, whether its Horse Carts, Jeeps, Trucks or Half Tracks you get to choose…yes i said Horse carts as many German infantry mainly used Horse carts. Half tracks should obviously be reserved for mechanized infantry only. For smaller vehicles like Horse Carts or jeeps or Sd.Kfz 250 you can have option for deploying 2 of them per squad if unlocked in squad upgrades.

-Make steering wheels in vehicles workable, make them actually steer and also the speed odometers work along with fuel gauges if fuel is introduced in game. For all vehicles and tanks.

-When getting in vehicles make AI find another transport vehicle nearby to get into when there’s no room in vehicle and they will follow your vehicle while in that vehicle. Give ability to command AI in Vehicles to drive to certain points without actually being in vehicle with them or without being a driver or commander, whether its transport vehicle or Tank.

-Make the AA and Anti tank placements tow-able with the transport vehicles so you don’t have to dismantle them or have to build another further down in map when you can just tow it down there and place it.

-Adding fuel to vehicles so they can run out driving too long, making you drive to supply point to refuel.

-Ability to choose Tank ammunition load out like there is in War Thunder. So many AP rounds go to waste, while you always run out of HE rounds. Also can make them unlockable in squad upgrades different kinds of rounds.

-Enable tank squads to unlock ability from squad upgrades or through upgrades to install fire extinguishers inside tanks like there is in WarThunder game, of course it would have limited abilities like only once or twice depending on upgrades.

-Give ability to command squad members in vehicles especially in Tanks to sit in a certain seat, too often you will find when you leave vehicle with your squad and then get back in they will randomly find their own seat to sit in and mess up order especially if you have specific perks enabled for your driver and loader and gunner and they end up sitting in wrong seat and losing ability of those perks.

-Make it possible to tow other vehicles and tanks, can be a let down to abandon your perfectly fine tank because it got stuck in a ditch or trench. Should have option to call out in needing help to tow and a tow symbol/icon should show on screen above vehicle and on map. If fuel introduced can tow vehicles that run out of fuel.

-Give ability to call in artillery strikes while in vehicle, currently you cant.

-Make engineers deploy refill caches for vehicles, 1 per squad.

-Give Infantry ability to climb on top of tanks and use MGs mounted on top.

-Make crewman only get in and out tanks through where the hatches are located on the tank to make it more realistic.

-Have option to switch to machinegunner position in tanks, so you can use it if your turret or turret MG is knocked out of action.

-Be able to call for repairs or weapon refills for vehicles(Tanks) and placements(AT placements n etc) through radial chat and marker icon should show on screen over the vehicle and on map indicating that person needs it.

Environmental Suggestions

-Introduce Day and Night cycle during battles, so make 24hrs in game equal 48mins or less in real time. Giving chance to experience night battles and the challenges it creates. During Nights the lights in houses/buildings and street lights should come on and can take them out if you want darkness to limit visibility, maybe even put lights switches in houses where u can switch em on or off if you desire. You should also have ability to take out power lines or transformers to take out lights in a certain area. Might have to introduce flash lights with this feature.

-Introduce changing dynamic weather, there’s already preset weather in map it loads with but introduce weather that changes and moves, where over time dark clouds start coming and then starts raining or cause storm randomly then pass and become sunny again. Also introduce Snowing and when it start snowing, more snow should accumulate on ground. If storm approaches on snowy/winter maps, it should turn into snow storm with blowing snow limiting visibility for you and the AI(their line of sight). Heavy Rains should also flood certain areas a little, like pot holes or craters or trenches pretty much any areas where water cant properly drain out of or on lower ground.

-Make rain turn all soft ground more muddy and make difficult to drive vehicles in muddy parts where ground isn’t hardened like asphalt roads. Maybe even making vehicles get stuck or drive real slow depending on how big or heavy a vehicle is and how big the tracks and wheels are. For infantry make it difficult to walk making them unable to run in muddy areas or walk real slow depending on what type of footwear equipped. With this should make Footwear customizable you can mix and match in appearance section so they don’t already come with pants limiting options to change them and should come separate. Footwear costing like 2 appearance cards just like with gloves.

-Add Wild life to environment like dogs, cats, rats, cows, sheep, goats, wild boars, bears, birds n etc just for fun to shoot at and to add to the visuals to the environment or maybe even make it possible to get attacked by one if you tease one of them, smaller ones could be scared off with gun fire.

-The Most fun Feature that could be added is Destruction: to structures and buildings already have environmental, small object destruction currently and adding structural destruction would completely make it more fun and change the way you fight battles by destroying and taking out buildings and changing landscape of battlefield, whether its blowing little holes in walls for sniper to shoot out of or taking whole walls out, or taking out enough support/pillars or skeleton of the building to make it collapse either partly or whole, each floor having its own skeleton or pillars, if the most bottom one taken out then every thing above should also collapse on that side. Can introduce chisels or sledge hammers for knocking holes in walls or even using as melee weapon. This way map designers can spend less time creating obstacles so players can create their own obstacles in game by destroying structures.

-The current walls in game which you can shoot through should make little holes in walls when you shoot through them. So u can see where your being shot from and where your bullets are ending up or at least add the bullet marking on exit hole on other side of wall too if proper little holes cant be implemented.

-Ability to lock doors and windows from inside making enemy shoot the door off with bullets or blow it with explosives or grenades to get in or simply use melee with weapon to break in if the door light enough.

-Ability to dig tunnels, if you dig deep enough you can start digging forward without the surface ground disappearing that way you can have tunnels. Only problem would be with darkness maybe have something to put in to light up tunnels or introduce flashlights and tunnels can be blown up if a large munition/bomb is dropped on it causing large crater. Another problem would be climbing out of them, maybe have ability to build ladders or can just dig slanted up creating a little ramp up to go in and out tunnel.

-Just like tank tracks marks have been introduced in game where tank tracks leave marks on soft ground, Infantry footprints should also be introduced on soft grounds especially mud and snow, these footprints should extend to hard ground to a certain short distance, for example if you are walking on mud or snow leaving behind prints on mud or snow and when you get to asphalt or concrete/wood those muddy or snowy print should appear on those concrete surfaces with the muddy prints extending longer then snowy prints of course. All soft ground should turn muddy in rain making easier to see footprints compared to dry soft ground. This would make tracking enemy infantry better knowing where the infantry came from and went, Maybe even make different kinds of foot-gear give off different foot prints.

-Maybe Introduce ability to freeze in colder/winter maps if spent too much time standing in open, unless you find a fire or something burning or cover inside a building or in a trench(trenches would heat you up less then around fire or house), movement will also lessen the cold a little, so having on proper clothing for winter being more important so you can’t just equip any type of clothing for your soldiers in winter/cold maps which would punish you and your AI soldiers for wearing wrong gear and not wearing gloves should effect your aim and reload times or anything else you can do with hands. Maybe introduce a thermostat you can tell temperature as it would change with the weather. This would apply to your AI soldiers too not just you. Every clothing item should have modifier/rating that gives benefit or decrease benefit depending on weather and environment, for example; winter clothing giving negative benefits in hotter climates.


Game Modes

-Introduce new game mode called Platoons, where you can command your whole platoon into battle so around 4 squads and you get to choose your platoon layout like which is a platoon HQ and what kind of support teams it will include in it and who will be the Platoon leader(that character’s rank should also change if ranks introduced). This game mode would make it more historically accurate to have radio operator and medics per platoon since they were issued one per platoon instead of having one in each squad. Should divide teams into 4 platoon companies in game so the 4 players in company can work together as a company.

-Introduce new bigger conquest mode called Large Conquest, where you fight over the whole map, those large maps are already present in the game(currently you only fight on small portions of the maps), but in this there would be a main deployment area(HQ), each main deployment area would have an airfield or little airstrip(if possible on map) to take planes off from with a resupply point above it this where planes would spawn in instead of spawning in air(can land there if you want to repair planes or can land anywhere in map where smooth ground present) but enemies cant capture or go inside other team’s main deployment area. Each objective or capture area on map would have borderlines so capturing it would create frontlines along the borders of that area/objective, that area would fill in within the borders of that area with the color of team controlling it and they all have to connect to the main deployment area(HQ) and each capture point/objective would have a main spawn point, rest you can build more by building radio spawn points or use transport trucks. If cut off from main deployment area, you would be no longer be able to spawn there forcing you move there yourself on foot or by vehicle or paradrop. Being cut off would also prevent you from spawning in the main spawn points in that objective and prevent you from building new caches and disable any supply points for vehicles there, unless you have a transport truck nearby(Transport truck acting as a supply truck supplying the engineer to build from the transport truck) so you can build caches. You can also only capture areas/points if they connected to a captured area and all capture areas are connected by ROAD or DIRT ROAD connecting all the way to main deployment area(HQ) otherwise it wont allow you to capture if cut off. Tanks would only spawn on certain points in map, objectives with structures in it or ones connected to larger roads instead of small dirt roads which would make you travel a certain distance to get to frontlines making it easier to ambush or strike tanks with planes while traveling to frontlines.
To win the game, game would have timer giving 1 hour to fight over map and capturing each point/objective would give 1 point to team capturing it and 1 less for losing it and whoever comes out with most points at end of timer wins or unless one team captures whole map before timer runs out, Certain points/objectives more strategic value would reward more points and losing points would decrease it from score shown on top of screen. Since the game might be longer for some people to stay and finish game make the rewards you get at end of matches to be rewarded live on the spot as you accomplish them same with battle pass rewards(unless battle pass is to complete 1 match) so you can leave with what you have earned, obviously you would miss out on the end of match rewards if you leave mid game in this game mode. Since road connections and traveling along them would be crucial in this game mode it would make ambushing behind enemy lines more useful whether by paratrooopers or other troops sneaking across and using land mines. This game mode would be more appropriate for the platoons game modes as you would have more men under your command requiring bigger map. Can even combine all the Normandy maps into one larger map. Transport trucks would be of more use here in this game mode.

—Another game mode that’s not necessary but interesting to look into would be instead of fighting on small maps with a winner or loser, have like a whole region or area with dynamic map like i suggested in the Large Conquest Mode but on larger proportion like you see in large MMO games like Planetside 2 or foxhole where the teams with hundreds of players fight over a whole continent/region to conquer trying to capture each objective or base that is connected supply wise to neighboring base/objectives so there are chances of enemy capturing surrounding bases cutting supply off so not only are you trying to capture strategically valuable base/objectives that would give benefits or lose them if you lost it but also fight to prevent your supply routes being cut off so no more reinforcements spawn-able in that area or supply points disabled making you do break through on land to get there or by air. This could be implemented in enlisted where instead of continent you would have have dynamic map of Western or Eastern front or any other front or whole of Europe and in each Front you would have Districts which would be size of the larger maps that i suggested in Large Conquest Mode. Where each District would have strategically important bases like supply hubs or airfields, a main HQ(communication hub) , rail lines, Radar facilities and Oil Rigs and depots. Radar facilities where having that would give warnings of enemy air-crafts or airstrikes with markers in sky otherwise if its taken out would give none and would only see marker if aircraft are right over you or close without warning or unless spotted by friendly aircraft. Having Rail lines across the whole front too and districts so having your rail line cut to certain districts or areas would disable spawning heavy vehicles in those areas or districts. Losing airfield would cut off the ability to use aircraft or airstrikes, with each airfield having certain range to determine how many districts it can cover, also depending on which type of aircraft being used, planes with shorter range would need to be in a closer airfield. Losing Oil rigs or depots(capture it back or repair with engineers) would decrease fuel supply that’s available or completely run out. Can also introduce artillery systems in this where you can place them well behind frontlines where if you want to take them out would have to do airstrike or counter artillery or maybe some incursion or raid to take them out. Capturing each District/Area would award bonuses to Nation/team or personal awards if you took part in it, winning a whole front would give larger Nation/Team wide bonuses. If there aren’t enough players to play, it would limit Districts/areas you can fight over so you are not playing in empty districts and if not enough players in a district would limit players to small areas in district to fight over kind of like the current maps you see now where you only fight in small areas of map.–

New Weapons/Vehicles Tools

-Introduce different types of sandbag wall structures like straight sandbag walls or sandbag walls with cutout windows or completely covered sandbag cover/bunker for setting up MG’s inside or creating different MG placement layouts with more cover, more covered layouts costing more. Engineers should also be able to refill their construction supplies from specific points on map(like you do for tanks) or from caches. Also make sandbag walls to stack up on top of each other.

-Ability to harden your trenches you dig with wood, sandbags or covers or shooting nests and shooting battlements(parapets) along with even firesteps.

-Make 88 millimetre guns deployable but only by tier 3 engineer squads or maybe introduce flak gun squads. Also make the 88 guns placed throughout certain maps use-able by anyone.

-Introduce flares guns for signalling and mortar flares for night time illumination if night time battles introduced.

-Introduce Vampir infrared scopes for STG-44 especially if Night time battles introduced.

-Introduce different variants of the half tracks for other nations and for the Sd.Kfz. 251, like Sd.Kfz. 251/2 mortar carrier, Sd.Kfz. 251/16 Flamethrower version, Sd.Kfz. 251/17 Anti-Aircraft version, Sd.Kfz. 251/9 and Sd.Kfz. 251/10 Anti-Tank versions. Make the standard Sd.Kfz. 251/1 research-able in research and making other variant purchasable in Shop.

-Introduce shorter version of the Sd.Kfz. 251 which was the sd.Kfz 250 and make it research-able in research.

-Introduce Self-propelled artillery vehicles or towed artillery pieces(deployable or build-able If artillery squads introduced)with higher explosive power leaving bigger craters and higher damage.

Gameplay Suggestions

-Add ability to become suppressed when fired on, where it can make your vision become dazed or blurred as bullets ricochet past or land close-by near you and AI. So you can pin enemies down with firepower forcing AI to get pinned on ground or forced to take cover behind somewhere unable to effectively return fire. This will also make MG’s not just use for killing but suppressing large number of enemies. AI should peak out from cover to get line of sight on enemies where shot from when firing stops towards them, depending on skills(level, perks, tier) of the AI soldier can even lay blind fire from behind cover while suppressed or not be fazed at all from suppression if they have that perk.

-Ability to drag bodies of wounded so you can drag them out of line of fire so they can safely heal. AI medics would also try to drag wounded soldiers behind a cover if under fire to revive you.

-Make names appear over player that’s controlled by a human player so you know who’s AI and who’s human in their squad by name appearing above their heads on screen and icon on map allowing you to see which player is where on map.

-Give Defending sides 5mins or so to set up defences before attacking team can attack in Invasion mode, so attacking team can spawn in their main spawn area so they don’t get bored waiting on spawn menu but cant move forward in map or use artillery strikes until timer for defenders to set up runs out.

-On D-Day map make the allies spawn on ships and make them use landing craft to land on beach to create beachhead on beach first before they can start spawning in on beach. Maybe even make the heavy guns in bunkers and on ships usable and make them destroyable(make paratroopers more useful to do these kind of behind enemy lines attacks). There should also be different beachheads on beach you can capture.

-Allow grenades to be replenished at caches like you can in practice mode. Also when walking up to cache it should give you number for each type of ammo available on each cache when you point towards it a specific cache in case there too many caches close to each other, like tell you how many bullets, grenades, mortars or AT ammo left and categorize the cache ammo so if the grenades run out you will know it still has alot of bullets left.

-Dividing teams into 4 squad platoons in game, so you can work together with your platoon on certain objects while other platoons work on other objectives together so you can actually do platoon size attacks on positions, also limiting 1 Vehicle/Plane per Platoon, Maybe hopefully introduce mic chat on consoles which you can use to talk with your platoon or whole team.

-With the current update squad limit has been limited to 2 per same type of squad, instead should limit deployment of same type of squad to 3 so you can have a proper platoon, maybe limit only the flamethrower squads to 2 to prevent flamethrower spam.

-Introduce more words in radial quickchat like yes(ok, roger) or no(negative) or need help/support or maybe scolding or encouraging words to make your team do better or give orders to team through radial to ask for mines or certain fortification, MG/AT placements at a certain position or to retreat, even quickchat for tank support or reinforcements (if at a objective or facing an objective can call for reinforcement to that objective, a quickchat for airstrikes or artillery strikes also and icon will show on screen above their heads and on map besides the quickchat appearing on screen.

-If mic chat introduced, make it so that you can only do it if you have radio operator for communicating with other squads otherwise you can only talk in local chat meaning only people near you can hear you, with local chat even enemy could be able hear local chat if near enough. This would force you to protect your radio operators more.

-On lonefighters mode divide teams into squads so you have option of coordinating as a squad.

-Ranks on Soldiers: Have Ranks on each soldier show up beside their names and on their insignia on uniforms like shoulder straps and cuff tiles or arm patches because currently apparently everyone in squad has same rank which isn’t very Historically accurate, in real life a squad leader or deputy squad leader(usually guy in charge of second fire-team) would have higher ranks then other members in squad, so whoever you choose as squad leader or deputy squad leader the ranks should automatically change and show up on their names and uniform. Should also make SMG/Assault weapons available to all squad leaders since squad leaders were equipped with SMG/Assault weapons and for Germans show the appropriate rank insignia color on the insignias since different classes/branches had different color outlines around their rank insignias.

These are what ranks for Germans looked like and for which soldier in squad:

h ttps://

Squad layout with ranks-

h ttps://

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These are for US:

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These are for Soviets:

h ttps://

-Limit Explosive packs to 1 per each squad or only allowed to be carried by engineers and AT soldiers as it wasn’t realistic to have this many soldiers in a squad carry explosive packs and also increase default small grenade limit to 2 which was usually how much they were issued historically (i.e. the Germans). With Extra Grenade pouches you can increase it more.

-Any sacks, pouches, bag packs,shovels, knives, water bottles, binoculars or side arms holsters should only be shown on non-default uniforms you buy in appearance if you actually equip that item on your soldier for it to show on the uniform, otherwise it should be bare just like the default uniform, currently if you buy non default uniforms they come with items attached that soldier is not even carrying. How many grenades or magazines a soldier is carrying should also be shown on uniform and making them disappear from the pouches or belts if they are used up. Ammo pouches for different guns and grenades should look different(i.e. rifles with long magazines would have long magazine pouches like the ones you see on the current aesthetics on the German green pea dot uniform and different looking pouches for drum magazines and for long grenades for Germans as those long grenades wouldn’t of fit in the current grenade pouches usually they hanged from belts) so many of those pouches exist in game already although only aesthetically currently.

-Be able to shoot the ammunition, grenades and any other munition equipped on uniforms making them ignite, killing or wounding soldier.

-Make binoculars equipping in hand instead of automatically zooming in on them when you pull then out which can be annoying, so you can walk around with it in hand and zoom in on them when u want, same way you can on scopes on weapons zoom in only when u want to.

-Impairing soldier limbs by shooting certain limbs like leg should make them drag their leg or crawl if both legs shot or if shot in arm make 1 arm immobile making only 1 handed weapons available to use like handguns or knives or grenades, if shot in lower torso or groin should make soldier hunch and not be able to walk, upper torso or neck or spine should make em immobile definitely, face shot should make them blind or make their sight filled with blood or completely black if shot in eye or eyes(i.e. getting shot in right eye should blacken or full red color right side of screen and unable to use scopes) until your actually healed by yourself or medic and of course headshot is instant death. Blinded AI should fire erratically around if fire at will command enabled for squad and they hear enemies nearby their footsteps or gunfire. Maybe to make medics more useful make them be the main healers when immobilized involving limbs, otherwise the personal med kits should only stop bleeding until medic can come and heal you, but some people would not like this as it might slow down game.

-Add more Gore by adding in ability to shoot off individual fingers or just hand or foot. Make Head to be blown completely off or just jaw or top of head off only(if not wearing a helmet) and blow torsos in half or blow large holes if shot at by tank or heavy gun.

-Helmet shouldn’t be there for aesthetic/cosmetic reasons but provide some protection from shrapnel or debris falling on head if something collapses or is destroyed. Should be able to shoot helmets off people’s heads also, If you you can find it on ground or any other helmet you find on ground, you can put it back on by pointing at it and pressing a button. So not wearing a helmet should make you more prone to head injury/damage reducing health bar by alot from little things hitting head.

-Be able to throw your knives or melee weapon and can pick it up again, also be able to go melee with bare hands, maybe even grab enemies from behind if have bare hands melee or any 1 handed weapon thus using grabbed enemy as human shield if are in a game with friendly fire on, if not then just kill them by breaking their neck or smashing their head against something or slicing neck if knife equipped or just order your squad to kill them.

-Ability to pick up objects off ground if you switch to bare hands melee to carry or to throw like bricks, chairs, tires, desks and tables or can just place chairs and desk somewhere else to create barrier and can maybe even sit in chairs. Now your wondering why would you want to sit on a chair!!? to make fire little more accurate if you set it up behind a window or sandbag wall or any elevated object to mount weapon on.

-Make water bottles more useful by introducing hydration level over time it will decrease effecting your combat ability to jump or run or aim or melee, so your just not using it for stamina while running which people hardly get to use…and when your hydration level completely runs dry you pass out until your revived but revive timer would be longer for that then if you were bleeding or just make your abilities lowered by 75% or more, abilities like your aim, strength, overall stamina and make you do things alot slower like walking or climbing crawling and slower reaction times for AI, But this would also make water bottles give unlimited supply of water so would be no point of having hydration level so in that case give water bottles limited supply and would have to supply at caches. Melee combat or any sort of fighting or continuous running would decrease hydration levels over time not if your stationary but being in desert or hotter areas hydration level would decrease faster.

-Disable feature in replays where your screen turns red when shot or killed while viewing in 3rd person or free camera tracking mode which is a nuisance while watching replays. Also make ability to increase speed of free camera tracking movements, currently it takes too long to move around. Also Enable player Markers for both friendly and enemy players on map and on screen and increase draw distance for player markers so you can better see where everyone was during battle and how battle shifted.

-Bring back ability to shoot AA guns against ground targets which was pretty common historically and still is in present times. Never seen an AA gun that couldn’t be aimed down to shoot.

-Make Scopes come separate from rifles which you buy separately. This way can buy different kinds of scopes and put on whatever scope is compatible with rifle. Of course Certain scopes should only be available to sniper classes.

-Have ability to see through scopes that are on weapons when you are not are zoomed in, currently the ends of the scopes appear as black, you should be able to see a little through it or see light shining through them as you move around depending on where light coming from. This isn’t really a gameplay issue but a visual one.

-Instead of loud beep sounds from radio spawn points, introduce radio chatter instead. Germans would have German radio chatter, Americans with American accent radio chatter, British with British accent radio chatter, Soviet Union with Russian radio chatter and Italian and Japanese with their own radio chatters. Can even hear from friendly ones too and you got to figure out which is which by listening to languages being spoken in radio chatter from afar.

-Ability to Gift/Transfer: other players or friends orders(or silver since orders have been replaced), weapons and gold, even your soldiers if you feel you don’t need them anymore and can be more useful to your friends.

-Introduce Clans: where you can join clans and the clan symbol/letters/logo should appear beside name. Clan members get rewards when clan or someone in clan wins or achieves battle hero building clan prestige and points. Give clans ability to create their own patches which you can put on uniforms or on vehicles. Can even gift your clan members weapons, orders/silver, appearance items(if you want to set a dress-code for your clan).

-Allow joining matches your friends or clan members are in if clans introduced.

-Introduce Leader-Boards: for different categories which you can view for daily, weekly, end of battle pass season, even lifetime and give prizes and rewards when you end up on first place or top 10, rewarding monthly or at end of battle pass season, maybe smaller prizes for weekly. If you remain on top on lifetime leader-boards you get recurring rewards until someone takes your spot, Also have leader-boards for clans. This would make game more competitive giving people more incentives to keep playing and win.

-Some might not like this feature but would be interesting to see if it was made an option for custom hardcore gamemodes by making marking enemies more realistic, for example if you mark an enemy only your squad can see it unless you have a radio operator to give and receive enemy positions or other commands from your teammates because you aren’t really communicating telepathically or unless other squads are nearby to hear voice commands as you would be yelling out enemy markings, so there would be a voice range where other squads can hear you and which ever squads are in those squad’s voice command range would hear too, kind of like a domino effect squads automatically passing down info to other squads they come in range of unless they have radio operator or in vehicle because vehicles have radios can automatically pass down info to squads with radio operator, other squads would only be able to pick up the enemy marker position in voice range if the enemy marker is still present on map.

–Side request, please add the pea dotted green helmet camo too currently there is a orange and a yellowish pea dotted camo for helmets but not a green pea dot one which could match fully with the green pea dot camo uniform. Also add green pea dot uniform available on battle of bulge campaign maps. Make the winter helmets that come with skimask type covers to come with other camo types too like pea dot or any another camo.

Discuss which of these ideas you liked best or if all of them or none of them and if some then which ones? Also add on to the improvements and features i suggested of how you think they could be better.


Couldnt post links so had to space the H from https to break links…just copy and paste it without the space to see them…

You’ve posted a ton of stuff which already exists in the game, all be it some of the levels of AI tuning are not quite up to the standard you describe.
Some of the AI requirements you’re asking for may have too great a burden on the net code and so make the game laggy for players or god forbid require more “low graphics” modes since many potato PCs are there are already ULQing their way to wins.
I think now that you have your wish list written up, go research what’s already in Enlisted and prune that out of your wish list because as it stands its a hard read. Many of your points repeat themselves in some way or another by discussing the same thing from a different perspective.

I think the AI is making progress. I would also like them to take better cover, and be more aggressive etc…
In the most recent matches I’ve played I think some of these wants are being addressed.
I was recently saved by one of my soldiers engaging another player in melee as he tried to flank my squad and overrun us with his.

So the AI is definitely improving

WRT to cosmetics and game modes, this is all up in the air atm, due to “ThE MeRgEr” so it will be a wait and see for all the other quality of game aspects.

I would like to see some semblance of SQN or Clan or whatever battles and I suspect that is coming with the evolution of Enlisted into WT 2.0 “The Infantry Strikes Back” - I am not a fan of stat boards, they don’t actually reflect what ppl claim they do…

I guess its a matter of priorities. The one thing you CAN be sure of is that there will be plenty of content to come so that you can keep spending your hard earned…


You’ll be pleased to note then that what was posted was neither :wink:

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I agree with everything

Forgot to mention in the Dividing the teams into 4 squad platoons part that it should already automatically put you in a platoon at game start with 3 other people or you can leave and join another platoon and if not in a platoon it will force you to join one. Whoever has highest Ranking system will automatically become the platoon leader, that’s one way to make Ranking system useful and the leader can put way-points for platoon to command them where to attack or defend and anything else it wants them to do like where to set up defences or rally points and etc. Can even have a commander for whole team who gives orders to platoon leaders, creating a little command structure so game can be played in a organized manner instead of a free for all with no coordination between teammates. The commander spot would have to be applied for and the person with highest ranking would be chosen if multiple people apply for it.

If the Platoons mode is ever implemented it would work same way in that, where you are put into a company with 4 other players/platoons.

@Raf1307 Glad you took the time to read it, if you managed to read it all, i know it’s a long read.
Yes i have noticed the AI tend to melee a lot faster now if they run into enemies but if they are standing at a distance they still be slow to react to static enemies in same room or if you tell them to occupy a house and some of them stand outside house…the side of the house the enemy might be attacking from and get killed instantly from the attacking enemy and if your lucky the AI soldier that got killed might be the radio operator just when you are about to call in an artillery strike on the attacking enemies.

Also what do you think about the squad management system i suggested? or having multiple deployment sets and making use of reserves, so every soldier dies only once in game? or at least till all your squad deployment sets and reserves are used up.

I like a lot of the squad management options, but many of them are too complicated for the average punter on these forums much less the playerbase in the game.

At the end of the day that level of complexity goes against the design grain of the game, which focuses on pleasing the FPS community who only looks at relative TTK and wants to play one man armies. The current pace of the game would make it difficult to accommodate many of these complex permutations. Its hard enough to use engineers in game as it is given how fast ppl rush objectives.

If a 18-15 old year game like brother in arms can have those same type of squad mechanics then why cant enlisted? its not really complicated to implement. Not sure if you have played it or not but you can copy and paste the YouTube video i posted about it and see how simple the mechanics were. So be a little more pessimistic lol

There’s also other features i suggested that might slow down the game a little like only allowing medics ability to heal immobilizing injuries and med-kits only useful for stopping bleeding or the Large Conquest Game mode i suggested or the platoons game mode.

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Look, at the end of the day everything is possible.

The question is how much does Gaijin want to invest in Enlisted and where is the game going. I would like to hear from our Russian speaking community as there is more than likely far better development notes which spill into the discussions.

Its a shame that we have some bizzare moderartion that locks threads for non-english speakers, rather than remind them to hit up Google translate or whatever is allowed in the posters region, and then just translate their posts for the community. Sure there are other language areas, but I guess ppl are ppl and want to communicate with as large an audience as possible and leverage technology that we have to bypass the translation issues.

Surprised they included some of the suggestions i suggested…or maybe they already had it in mind lol…Wish they would consider my Squad mechanics suggestions though.
