Introduce new Bigger Conquest Mode called Large Conquest..!

-A New bigger Conquest Game Mode should be Introduced called Large Conquest: Where you fight over the whole map, those large maps are already present in the game(currently you only fight on small portions of the maps), but in this there would be a Main Deployment Area(HQ), each Main Deployment Area Would spawn certain amount Jeeps/Cars, Transport Trucks of that Nation(which would spawn after few minutes if destroyed) and would have an airfield or little airstrip(if possible on map) to take planes off from with a resupply point above it this is where planes would spawn in instead of spawning in air(can land there if you want to repair planes or can land anywhere in map where smooth ground present) but enemies cant capture or go inside other team’s Main Deployment Area. Each Capture Point on map would have borderlines around it so capturing it would create front-lines along the borders of that Capture Point, that area within the borders of that Capture Point would fill-in with the color of team controlling it and they all have to connect to the main deployment area(HQ). Each Capture Point would have many objectives in it like A B C D E F n etc. to capture and hold all of them for certain amount of minutes before whole Capture point is yours, each Capture Point would have a main spawn point(which would be more fortified), where the team controlling it can spawn in on it and that point would also spawn certain amount of Jeeps of the nation controlling it, would only spawn once when you capture it otherwise would need to get them from Main Deployment area, would also have a vehicle supply point. Rest of the spawn points you can build more around different Objectives in capture area by building radio spawn points or use transport trucks(attacking team would need to build or use these), only the spawn-able transport/half track trucks that spawn with Squads can spawn troops not regular trucks that would spawn on Capture Points. If cut off from main deployment area, you would be no longer be able to spawn in Capture point that’s cut off forcing you move there yourself on foot or by vehicle or para-drop. Being cut off would not only prevent you from spawning in the main spawn point in that Capture Point but also prevent you from building new supply caches and disable any supply points for vehicles there, unless you have a transport truck nearby(Transport truck acting as a supply truck supplying the engineer to build from the transport truck) so you can build caches. You can also only capture areas/points if they connected to a Controlled captured area and all capture areas are connected by ROAD or DIRT ROAD connecting all the way to main deployment area(HQ) otherwise be cut off. Tanks would only spawn on certain points in map, Capture Points with structures in it or ones connected to larger roads instead of small dirt roads which would make you travel a certain distance to get to front-lines making it easier to ambush or strike tanks with planes while traveling to front-lines.

“if you get in a jeep the rest of the squad who cant get in would find another vehicle around to get in and follow you where ever you drive to”

To Win the Game: Game would have timer giving 1 hour(or any other predetermined time) to fight over map and capturing each Capture Point would give 1 point to team capturing it and 1 less for losing it and whoever comes out with most points at end of timer wins or unless one team captures whole map before timer runs out, Certain Capture Points that hold more strategic value would give more points (instead of 1 point would be worth 2-3 or more points) and losing points would decrease it from score shown on top of screen, score showing point count of each Team. Since the game might be longer for some people to stay and finish game make the rewards you get at end of matches to be rewarded live on the spot as you accomplish them same with battle pass rewards(unless battle pass is to complete 1 match) so you can leave with what you have earned, obviously you would miss out on the end of match rewards if you leave mid game in this game mode. Since road connections and traveling along them would be crucial in this game mode it would make ambushing behind enemy lines more useful whether by paratroopers or other troops sneaking across and using land mines. This game mode would be more appropriate for a future platoons game mode as you would have more men under your command requiring bigger map. Can even combine all the Normandy maps into one larger map. Transport trucks would be of more use here in this game mode. This game mode should be join-able at any point in game until that timer runs out not just at beginning of game, as many people might leave mid game because of prolonged time of game.

As you can see the large maps already exist to implement this game mode on whole map. Have Main Deployment points on each end of map With Capture Points all over map interconnected with each other, While on D-day map or any beach landing maps the Allies Main Deployment would be out in Sea and Allies have to take Landing crafts to shore, vehicle squads would only be spawn-able once you hold beach head or maybe have landing crafts that carry vehicles and Ally Aircraft would spawn out in air over sea:

I have suggested this before in my other suggestions topic but this is a revised n detailed look into it for discussion. find the old suggestion topics here which was a little long to read and its locked:



Big maps

Yes :grinning:


This is being suggested from ages actually and everyone come with his own idea, me to

Honestly enlisted should have a bigger mode using all of the global map, is a huge waste of potential


Seeing how most people hate conquest I don’t see it working but personally I would like a big map


In its current state yes it is a little boring but what I’m suggesting is a little more and a little different so would offer more then just capturing a point if you read the details i wrote.

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This would be great for a Tempelhof map for Berlin

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It needs it. We been waiting for this potential to be realised for AGES. @tommyZZM big action mod is on top of it.

Enlisted has to grow, its getting cramped.

The steam trailer was EPIC…but you cant have battles like that. cant field that much equipment haha

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Yes, many players have made similar suggestions.

I have the impression that gastanofrizzi was made a similar suggestion a long time ago, before the editor was released

I think the big action mission (of Moscow Volokolamsk) is basically just an implementation of these descriptions. I’m sure it has a lot in common with the words described by the op, maybe intersted players should take more try about it.

And there are plenty of well-made works in the community that can also be worth a look. For example, I think the popular versions of full modern conflict seems to be able to implement a certain pattern of conquest well on a large map.

And it is a pitty that custom lobby currently have a lot of basic bugs and issues. For example, re-entering the room you may have some problem.

And because you can’t grind things, and we dont have a auto mm system for custom games.You have to wait players find your room. The warm-up time for the game waiting players get in is sometimes very long.

Since we players have take time made something. And developers don’t seem to have much time to maintain these features or even add new things to them. I think developers should focus on improving custom lobby, fixing the problems, and then allowing some of these game modes to gain grinding battlepass and things.


The big action has been tested and iterated many times, and it is still being updated and improved, and I am still adding new things to it, improving capzone and battlearea etc. any suggestions is welcome if i can implement i may make a try.


In addition, I also suggest everyone to check CRSED. In fact, DF has made many excellent big maps and interesting things a long time ago. CRSED has a much better Normandy map than Enlisted, and it has DF’s largest and most exquisite map (16km x 16km). Obviously their game engine can do something


-Forgot to add in that Each Capture Point would have a Flag and the flag of the respective Nation would go down and up based on timer it takes to capture or recapture The Point, So you can tell from afar who controls it without looking at map.

-Also Artillery Squads should also be introduced in this game mode like Towed Artillery or Self Propelled Artillery units even Katyusha Rockets or Nebelwerfer Rockets, so you can target from afar since map would be bigger…challenging enemy to figure location of artillery units to do counter artillery or bomb them from air or raid its positions with infantry.

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can you explain to me how is this not just worse conquest?
biggest drawbacks of conquest for me is spread of relatively low number of players across numerous points, so i need to run from point to point just to get some kills (or risk staying at point and praying for someone to try to cap it).

if we had something like 50v50 i would really enjoy this kind of game mode, but with 10v10…

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@robihr Well obviously this game mode would require more players not the current player amount we get right now in Conquest. Also there would be proper Frontlines as the capture points would be interconnected and can only capture another capture point that’s connected to it, so you cant drop in middle of enemy territory to capture it, this would make players concentrate around the frontlines and not run around whole map like we do now in conquest.

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Those connections between capture points would depend on which roads or dirt roads or any other pathways connect to them acting as a supply route to the capture point. Like in real life when any Military captures territory they have to think about their logistics how easily they can supply their troops, will less likely capture territory that’s isolated from being supplied.

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And I have to share this Dday gamemode @Devenddar, which is a 25vs25 squad battle on a long beach.

I think it should be a huge assault mode. It may be a little similar to the OP’s description.


Uh… It’s kinda very old and outdated. Unfinished and without many features. I plan to update it in June. And another one update in July - August. Also plan to add seperate versions for HA fans (with forced equipment replacer and custom squads).


@tommyZZM I would of made a more detailed map with different capture points with each capture point having its own name and many objectives in it with A, B, C, D n etc scattered around that capture point with defined borders around each capture point with lines connecting from capture point name on map to different capture point names showing which are possible to capture from there, maybe even a huge map combining all the Normandy maps into one but would of taken too much time best i could do atm…