What i have noticed about why my AI squad members find it hard to engage enemies sometimes is because they move around too much, hindering their ability to concentrate on the direction enemy might be attacking from is or is present(i.e. markers or getting shot at from). Whenever i move just a few feet or inches the AI squad members start moving around like they playing musical chairs running around everywhere to find new spots…They should stay in one place and only move unless i move a considerable distance away(depending on if i have have squad to close/standard/wide) or if they are reacting to an enemy who is coming close or getting shot at from the enemy and they need to move to find cover or look for better angles to shoot at enemy if they don’t have sight or if i actually order them to move…otherwise they should not move from my sudden movements.
They also seem to move when i aim at them, which i get why that would be so they don’t get in way of your shot but that shouldn’t force them to run outside or run into attacking enemy forces tuning back against them. They should always be aware where the enemy is or attacking from(unless they are running away from grenade)…So if they know that enemy is near from markers and enemy fire or enemy sounds they should move with their guns aimed towards those directions and only to positions where they might not be exposed to enemy more, so they don’t run around carelessly and getting killed, No trained soldier would move around this blindly knowing enemy just outside window.
I have made a long suggestion posts on AI improvements and other gameplay and squad mechanics suggestions before few months back also if yall want to check that out…which is sort of similar to what i’m suggesting in this post…
I’ve never seen such horrendously coded AI. We definitely need them to act more like the AI from the game FEAR, at least I think it was called that. I think it was an old PS2 game but that AI has been argued to be the best coded out there.
Lets hope they get there…I also would like to see Red Faction like destruction where you if you take out pillars or supports of structure then that part of the structure collapses, but one can only dream…
My AI is retarded and cant pull a trigger when jumping around as if they are having ADHD - Usually i loose my whole squad cause they jump around instead of pointing their gun at the enemy whos taking them 1 by 1 from 5 m range - Whilst my AI is completely garbage i get instant shot around cornors from enemy AI around 100m away - !#!“&%”#&!! (insert faul language)
AI indeed moves too much, though I have little bit different problem related to it. It is quite hard to shoot them with BA rifle, it is really concerning considering new players starts mostly with BA rifles.
@Count_Smarald These formations is what i also suggested in my other suggestions topic linked bottom of the first post here. Each nation had their own squad formations and tactics.
This is for the Germans:
They move too much and shoot too little, unless they actually want to shoot, then they take for ever to aim while also standing still and being a super easy target.
Which means AI is the strongest when you put them on “passive mode”, so they keep running around like headless chickens instead of being an easy target…