Suggestions for medic soldiers (cause they kinda suck ngl)

Totally gimmicky class that has no business being in Enlisted. They shouldn’t have replaced assaulters I in the first place. They should become legacy class. The concept of this class proved to be failure.
TTK is too :pinching_hand: in Enlisted for medics to be a relevant class.


I agree Medics are a very complicated class but I think they still have a place in this game. One of my famous stories I share here is how once as a Medic I hid in the bathroom and kept reviving and healing a Soviet marine, allowing us to hold onto the second to last objective and we managed to defeat the enemy in the end. It was a very hard fought defense

I agree Assaulter 1s should return. Although part of me thinks we don’t need X Class 1,2,3, etc. Too convoluted. Just one class of each and that’s it. We can just upgrade the soldier anyway. On a separate note I do think we should have multiples of each squad type so we can have different loadouts

100 % agreed with all of the points.
also another thing; For god sake: make bots active even when told to stay put.

Since we’re running around constantly, the medics would only die if we wouldn’t tell them to stay put or actually stand on point.
It’s a no-brainer they could be more useful in helping teammates but today they’re just standing idle and doing nothing even if a soldier is bleeding out just in front of them.

  1. Give us the command or option to tell medics to always be active/supportive and do their job even if they’re told by me to stay put/hold position. I suggest they operate actively and support teammates in a radius around the position you want them to stay put.

  1. In the best of worlds the size of their operational zone should also be set by the preference of the player (“small”, “medium” or “large” area of operation)



Tbh I think they’re the only squad that has no options for engineers so give them engineers

Well until we get assaulter 1 back the medic should be better suited to such a role.

Yeah, that’s right. I’m not sure what the point of a medic is in this game.

I think the same. Either make medics good at healing or replace them with assaulter 1 all together.
We don’t need a worse assaulter with dubious healing mechanic.

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Where did you get the idea that running speed reduces accuracy? Now weapon accuracy drops during movement animations - Jumping, Walking, Tilts. When running, your accuracy drops in proportion to your speed, but no one in their right mind shoots while running, shooting is done from a Sitting position, from where accuracy is higher.
But the running speed perk itself does not affect accuracy when standing or sitting.

Helpers have confirmed the run speed perk increases base dispersion when compared to someone without the run speed perk.

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I just use the medic squad as an assaulter squad anyway, other then the fact that your married to a useless medical bag, I don’t mind it. Now if I could only replace that damn medic bag with a grenade or ammo pouch. :joy:

Surprisingly sensible suggestions as opposed to all the other “just delete medics cause I don’t like them!” from so many other ppl…

I support all 4 points.


IT IS LOGICAL that if you move faster the higher your spread, but this does not affect the moments when you are not moving

when running, so not when you stand still or crouch
Otherwise it would be quite a big bug XD


Because the statement that

is incorrect, do not spread misinformation

Best solution = remove them.
They are useless

If splash damage from HE, artillery, mortars, rockets, and bombs would put soldiers in downed state more than outright killing them, then maybe medics would make just a little more sense, but that would maybe change too much about the game? Also, if flame-damage would be such as to more like suppress a bit more than it damages, that would also be jobs for medic class. Well, perhaps it’s pointless, I don’t know?

Medics need something, like a passive healing radius. Similar to the Proximity XP multipliers suggested in earlier threads.

At the end of the day its a game, and we need some “gamey” features to make all roles viable and interesting.

Imagine medics could revive like in Battlefield games. That could be “interesting” or rather potentially OP.

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Welcome to the team :handshake:


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medic squad should be expanded by 2 , 1 at or 1 engineer or 1mg or 1 sniper