I don’t know why those thing kills squad management. It makes players to choose between powerful but small squad, or Less powerful with Semi/BA rifles, but large squad.
And lock automatic rifles only to Assault and Engineer? Why they would use Automatic rifles for Assault? They already has more powerful weapons. PPSh and MP43.
Yes. It will be dramatically. More than this suggestion. But those change can kill squad management.
Limiting same squad type also can’t reduce those auto spam. Instead of using 3 SMG squad, they will use 1 SMG 1 MG 1 Engineer squad armed with automatic rifles. Not to mention there would be more problem for those premium squads owners.
That player with high end equipment at worst is just going to quit the game entirely and also what’s the point of grinding when you are being limited on your firepower because “we want to help new players” BS when there are much better alternatives without resorting to draconian measures like what OP is suggesting that would piss off veterans such as unlockable squad slots.
I think we can do it similar to when the random purchase of bronze cards disappears with the update.Randomly purchased useless weapons were converted into parts and into bronze cards.
actual noobs quit because of the progression system, not because people have better guns than them. stupid ideas like this are catering to ww2 nerds that want to see certain guns not used alot anymore. this idea wont help the noobs AT ALL… it’ll only discourage them more since u leave the game with months worth of dedicated grinding and hardly anything to show for it. no wonder the developers hardly listen to ‘suggestions’ when poorly thought out stuff like this is posted daily!
it would allow for noobs to play the game with out level 40 field marchshall with his 3 rifle squads that all each running 8 rifleman with large ammo and 1 assaulter with a STG
this whole idea is that if you want to run alot more of the better gear then you have to run a smaller squad at no point is it restricting you from playing with those weapons
at that stage they are not noobs, might act like it thou
I agree there is a huge power gap but I think protected matchmaking would fix that issue much better, level 10 and below should play other level 10 and below players to make it balanced, after that fair game? I would say the bigger balance issue is premium accounts literally can bring an extra vehicle and an extra infantry squad which means more grey zone vehicle camping spam and after they buy premium accounts they unlock the option to buy even more slots beyond just the 2 they already get, this makes balancing impossible as in your system the extra slots would be even more valuable to have variety of squads and tactics available if they have different spawn limits and such…
He suggested removing pay to win slots and making them unlockable for free players, this still allows premium accounts to keep an advantage but not a permanently required one as the free players could also grind for extra slots, I think free players need to be able to unlock ANYTHING a premium player can besides cosmetics and faster progression unlocks and portraits and boosters if they have any hope of getting free players to stick around in the game TBH another comment mentioned how the games turn into nothing but bot farms because of the lack of balancing, they are totally correct player retention and progression needs to be fixed so badly!
Yeah just removing pay to win slots or making them a free unlock would do a lot more to fix balance issues than this complicated concept, I appreciate the intention but I don’t think it would work either…especially because Gaijin seems to hate fairly balanced free to play games, they seem to want all of their games to be miserable for free players…I don’t think Gaijin will change their ways until we start voting with our wallets as gamers and stop being cucks for premium booster packs and vehicles and other nonsense waste of our time and money…
really? and u think that someones going to join this game and quit just because they faced high ranks? literally every game in the history of games has an enourmous power creep and plenty have gained new players. this game has very little power creep next alot of others ive played… most games give high levels nonsense way better than vitality, u think +35% vitality is too strong? try playing other games that outright paywall stuff that makes people walking gods that can be fed entire clips worth of shots and just turn around and one shot noobs. i org got into this game just because it was fairer and ttk made it so EVERYONE is going to die no matter what they have.
Right? Shouldn’t they just make extra slots a free unlock and see how much that helps the power balance? I can admit people bitching about infantry lately seems a bit silly as the TTK is so easy and they just buffed starter weapons thru the ceiling! But complaining about the grey zone vehicle campers with premium just spamming nothing but vehicle squads all game is a valid complaint…or the AA guns pointing down at ground targets while the MG nests take twice as long to build and can’t even turn or look down at the ground…
ya, honestly im a inf main and the experience is getting squad wiped whilst building a rally in ur spawn somehow, being left with just the guy u build rally on or once the shooting starts its just ur first guy and everyone else somehow dropped even with full meta guns the bots dont stay alive easier tbh. and ya all that is way worse issue!
Yeah the explosive spam from inside your spawn, the terrible bots and the pay to win is all much more of a problem I agree. And the clueless people who don’t understand what pay to win means that are inevitably going to argue that they win games and they only spent (insert amount of cuckery here) and somehow since their purchases didn’t give them 100% win rate game has no pay to win aren’t helping the problem either, I forget what they were called…oh yeah whales!
game that do have a strong case of power creep have matchmaking to counter this
games that do have power creep and no match making flop and only turn around once match making is added
this whole idea is not curbing power creep as you can still use all your pretty weapons
COD had a perk like this, every one hated it and they removed it as a feature
name a few, im sure that they dont have very good player retention
and how is this change with this idea?
kinda one of the design features of the flak AA guns
I have all squad slots bought for Moscow, Berlin and Stalingrad(8 without premium) while had some for Normandy but never bought a squad slot in Tunisia and the difference is really huge where you can only choose between a tank and a plane but if you have more slots, you can have both of them like a tank and a plane or more infantry squads for a specific task like engineer squads or AT soldiers.
New and F2P players don’t have such flexibility as those with premium and actually bought more squad slots. Even worse is that event squads are a thing but not giving extra slots for free to actually use them is just ridiculous.
I mentioned protecting low level players with a simple matchmaking change earlier I agree with you there…without matchmaking and end game ranked modes or competitive matchmade modes the game will 100% die. Sadly I think they can’t mess or test with matchmaking much because most of the players are already gone, less than 1% of the players who played during the event even did the challenges so I would say player interest and retention is almost too dead for them to split players and still have some playable matches…pay to win is what killed this game, whether it is worse or better than pay to win in other games isn’t the debate here or shouldn’t be the important debate, the debate should be about whether or not we should be boycotting this practice and getting it removed from the game to save the player count?