Suggestion: Squad-Armament Points System

What is the Problem with the Current System?

Current Squad and Weaponry system in Enlisted has no other Limits. You can add any weapons as many as you want, unless limited by Soldier Numbers. Due to this, Some users Even compose their squad like 9x FG 42 for Example. Those kinds of squads are Mostly Both Un-Historical and Balance breaking. This only imposes users to use Standardized Setup and Perks, and Those are one of the reasons why Newcomers leave the game, even some Veterans Either.

Without dealing and Solving this Fundamental Issue of Enlisted, any other meaningless Quick-fixes, like Bolt-Action Buffs or Crazy Visual-Recoils, only will bring up with worse Side-effects.

So to stop this Whole Complete Issue, we need a solution for a Fundamental Issue.

What is a Squad-Armament Points System?

Squad-Armament Points System-(hereinafter referred to as Points system) is a basic limit for a squad. Each weapon Has its own Value, and Squads are having limits of total Values. Better weapons will have Higher Value, while simple ones have a lower value. This would be a good way to reduce Balance-Breaking weapon Spams, while there being No other Un-historical weapon Stat changes.

For example, Points system could be adopted to Enlisted Like this :

I have set the Squad-Points limit as 10 for Example while giving some weapons their Value.

First to see the Engineer squad, with having its Armament Points limited, The squad only can arm 2x FG 42, which is way more reduced and affordable compared with current situation.

and next The Assaulter Squad, armed with 2x MP 43/I and MP 40, spent all its points to add the Automatic weapons, which made it only can take fewer Soldiers in squad. this might could be seen as some kind of Penalty for taking Automatic weapons too many.

But by changing those High-Value weapons to Lower-Valued, The Squad could be armed with more variable Weapons and more soldiers.

And Last-A Riflemen squad.
Currently, Riflemen squad has Maximum number of 9 Soldiers, without any Limit or Restrictions of Full-Auto weapons. but if with Points System implemented, that Nonsense will be gone, no more.

Without any Quick-fixes and stopgap measures, Points System would be able to care most of the Balance Issues Happening with small arms. and also it could make Newcomers armed with Semi-Autos and Bolt-Actions more competitive against High-Leveled Veterans, Without any Quick-Fix updates.

Devs, Face this Issue Boldly, PLEASE.

Most of the “Quick-fixes” you’ve made mostly only came with worse Side-Effects, only making Enlisted weirder, and just un-understandable. Semi-Auto Nerfs. Bullet Dispersion of Automatic Weapons and the List goes on…

It is time to face the Basic, Fundamental issue, and Deal with it Boldly. This game is still in beta, and we still have some Chances.

@1942786 I hope you guys will one day.


I think it can be a nice system.


as long as i get my 9-10 men american m1 garand/m1 carbine squad this is a great idea


It definitely will be than what it is now.


Yes. I think limiting the firepower between squads will give some improvement to the Enlisted’s higher firepower.


Not to add more soldiers in squad than current state, just following current squad upgrades but adding some “Value Limits” to it. But well you could still see 9 men with M1 Carbine/Garand though.


This idea looks nice.

But it may frighten people who are new to the game by adding complexity and are already perplexe with some message.
“This weapon can only be used with a assault”
“This squad can not have assault”
“Click here to unlock assault”
“Too much point used for your squad weapon”

The guy will be like what the fuck I’m suppose to do, I just want to put my new MP34 in the squad?!


It is time to fill the Fire-Power creep, not to make it deeper.


That’s a great idea. Player will have to deploy weapons strategically. This is the ideal type of WWll gaming system. And also good for balance.
This system will be of great help to Enlisted.


Currently Enlisted’s Tutorial system is really poor, and needs to be Reworked mostly. I’ve tried whole Tutorial with new acoount and it was. I think It could be done with updating Tutorials, with more better descriptions and Easy Explanations for it, it would be fine enough I suppose.

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Nice idea. Different weapons have different points. But it should not be limited. Finally, the total number is used to match, and everyone is evenly matched.

Yes-That is the point! This would make users change and vary their squad Designs more strategically, and making them Unique style of their own, More than just spamming 9x AVTs or FG42s.

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Tbh I’d include equipment in this system. It would help to prevent people from bringing 3 explosives on each soldier.

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But, but, but, weren’t starter bolt actions themselves the new ultimate powercreep weapon of doom, since the update?


That could be a good Idea! than there will be more users of Hand grenades or Smoke grenades, chosing Armaments to fit their strategic choice. More variety then will come.


Also the red progresion tree could decrease the cost of certain equipment for certain clases. Like cheaper ammo bag for MG gunner.

Although that may be too much hassle to bother.

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So we need to fill up those creeps entirely, Until they are flat enough. Either Bolt Actions, or Automatics.


And Cheaper equipment bags for Engineers and etc. That seems a bit complicated to code, but still would be a good Idea.

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The foundamental problem issued in this post is the spam of weapon.

And it’s only because you can equipe Riflemen with BA, semi-auto and Automatique rifle (like FG42, or AVS, or M2)

If only a few class could use automatique rifle it wouldn’t be a problem.

I think only specialist ( engineer, AT gunner and radioman) should be able to equipe both AB/semi-auto and automatique rifle.
Riflemen could only use BA and semi auto.

Then you can have the MG squad with 3 MG, 2 automatique rifle, 2BA/semi-auto.

In a kind of way, it’s what Darkflow intended to do. Only Riflemen can use grenade launcher BA.


I swear I can’t even keep up with forum madness anymore these days.

Even from a spectator with popcorn standpoint, people already used to ask for anything and its opposite from one day to another.

Now even within the same thread.

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