Suggestion: Horses

I noticed a “Bike” section in the test server for the merge, and while motorcycles and bicycles would make for interesting additions to any line up, I had another idea: Horses.

Now I know what you’re thinking; that’s insane! And I’ll grant you, horse cavalry played a limited role during the Second World War, however they still played an important role early on. Germany fielded 2.75 million horses during the war, and the Soviet Union 3.5 million. Many if these horses were relegated to logistical or support based jobs, however some of them were still fielded as cavalry.

In my mind, this could be a fun addition to the game, perhaps even simply as an event reward. Most of their use would be relegated to early war games; when tanks are cumbersome, rifles shoot slow, and automatics weapons are inaccurate. They would make interesting flanking units, but as weaponry advances they will quickly become obsolete.

Finally, I will leave you with some pictures of cavalry units from the second world war.



So, what do you guys think? Could this be a fun addition, or am I just crazy?


I don’t want to see horses in Enlisted.

Storming Reichstag or beaches of Normandy with your cavalry bros? That’s just so immersion breaking.


A fair point. I’m honestly thinking more along the lines of the Moscow campaign

That would meant hard locking BRs. Meaning you can’t take low BR stuff into higher BR setup.
I really don’t know about. It will be possible to see nonsense like pz II in Berlin because of some trolls, but I think horses are just too much.
Plus gameplay, they would be most likely just worse bikes. And bikes are so underpowered, they become completely ignored by devs. I was kinda surprised they kept them in new tech trees.
I just don’t think we need it, but I understand and can respect some people would love them.

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Well, I doubt they’d be of much use past the early war. After all what could a horse do when Tigers, LMGs and Assault rifles are common place?

If it’s really a huge concern though, maybe they could be an event reward, so that they’d be rare encounters in lower BRs, rather than in the full tech tree?

If there can be king tigers in stalingrad, why not cavalry charges in berlin? If you cant handle the soviet cavalry sabre, you just got skill issues bro :sunglasses:


They could only work in certain conflicts like Invasion of Poland, Eastern Front so Moscow, French used half a mil horses in invasion of France but it was obviously not effective like Maginot Line,China also used them so if you want Soviet vs China or Japan vs China that would also be a good choice of new maps and faction.


What if horse going to bounce my tiger’s shell? pls nerf Gaijin

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Yes, this was my thought! Early War they could be interesting additions.

I’d also love to see France or Poland added in some way

Ahh you heard about the horse armour dlc already?


Stalingrad should be 2 - 3 BR, not 5.

More fodder for bombs and rockets I guess.

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But they already are, in form of premium stuff for Germans.

Not just Germans and not just premium, there is event squad with polish at rifle, you have polish wzór rifle 38, polish BAR premium squad for America. I expected captured and rebranded 7TP premium squad for the Germans but one can dream. With those guns it will be much easier to recycle content by giving Polish nation their guns as their own in f2p weapon tree they are just missing Mors smg, wz 1938M, their boltie, semi auto, tanks and planes.

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Yeah, both of these are for germans.

Could be as well used by the Soviets that got inspired by captured polish AT rifles that lead them in creation of their PTRD-41 but i guess DF did not want to copy paste same gun for both sides. Ok i thought that polish bar was Murrican premium i guess i was wrong damn Axis stole every gun from us hehe.

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But where is best polish warrior Wojtek?

If there is a day we see horses in enlisted, he could be “gold order” bear cosplaying as horse.

One can dream

One day, one day


Waiting for monte casino update.


Enlisted NEEDS horses:
download (1)

But seriously Enlisted needs it…

For other time lines, such as early ww1, (Or Russian
civil war) where we could have my favourite improvised vehicle of all time, the Tachanka:

Also perhaps glorious (and completely ineffective) ww1 cavalry

Or earlier eras maybe. Napoleonic wars? Many possibilities.


yeah horses, shooting panzerfaust from the hip :joy:
i want them only if dismemberment and gore is enabled to see them blow up into pieces in a massive ball of blood and guts