Suggestion, heavy AA guns

HE-TF shells

they… “work” in war thunder on the VFW ( VFW - War Thunder Wiki ) has a 88 flak with proxy shells that theoretically explode in proximity of airplanes and damage components / “hull”/ structures etc.

which, if you get or shoot in time, chances are, he won’t survive or fly for very long.

but… less than ideal for the majority of people.

it could be fun though.

couldn’t resist :smirk: :relieved:;
such a good song.


88 doesn’t have proxy, it has timed fuze (at least the “regular” version). And from I saw, they are shit in WT.

(I’ll see the vid later.)

To be clear, I’m not against adding 88 (though not as engineers buildable). I just argue that idea of “I’m harrased by a fighter-bomber so let’s add big guns” is simply put stupid. Just like “I’m harased by a sniper so lets add an SMG”. Wrong tool for the job.


yeah. fuzes*

and now that i think about it, a similar varient ( which we could get instead. as somewhat more historical )

would be the:

flak truck (,8_cm_Flak_37_Sfl. )

with L.45s fuzes


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yes, adding just because x or y killed me hence i need Z, i agree. it’s a dumb reason.

but the tool is not wrong for that job either, since the flaks were initially invented for AA purposes :smirk:



Against bomber formations. Not fighter planes.


" iT’s sTiLl aA pUrpoSeS !1! "

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I don’t think AA cannons would be very useful due to their slowness of turn, they were designed to destroy bombers at high altitudes at the end of the day, instead of those guns what if we give each nation the late-war AA weapons they had, Germany can receive back its quad 20mm Flak 38, US can have the Quad .50 cal M2, Japan can have the Type 96 25mm and URSS can receive the Maxim Quad M4, but all of this will be pointless without improving the damage of the projectiles and removing the stupid overheating mechanic, AA is not bad but overheating is stupid and the damage is underwhelming(specially the 20mm)


I really completely do not understand calling the current AA useless.
Every time I construct this cannon I knock down 2 planes if I don’t get killed by a tank or a fast rush.
Seriously, the guy in the plane doesn’t even have the option to repair himself outside the Pacific, one fart and you have no wing, engine or just SMG can put you on fire…
One burst and the plane is gone, plus aim assist… of course, if you don’t shoot it like a mentally ill person giving everyone information about where you are before the plane strafes.
I have a feeling that for some SAM systems would still be not enough…

I will say that current AA guns are not useless. I’ve certainly shot down some planes before. Of coarse we shouldn’t look at it that unless you’re one shotting them out of the sky they’re bad

But I will say I do think we should have Heavy AA guns as well. I have suggested Heavy AA guns that can also act as AT guns as well just like in real life

The biggest problem with the 20 mm AA is that some planes just tank way more shots than othere planes. Some planes explode the moment they get hit and a diffrent plane can tank an entire mag worth of AA and still dont die.

My guess is that some planes have bugged dmg models and can keep tanking more rounds causing people to call AA useless and othere planes with a less tanky damage model die causing othere people to flock to defend the current AA and their viability.

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The current AA is a joke compared to the old Quad 20mm, those are real AA and not peashooter

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well the P47 can take quite a few hits with the normal one,but this will allow you to destroy it in one hit,so this problem would likely be an answer for “Big gun goes boom”

88mm guns were not invented to take on aircraft flying at <1000m altitude. They’d never get to hit one - they can’t traverse fast enough, and htey can’t fire fast enough, and their time fuzes don’t have a short enough setting - even at “zero” ther is a 2 second delay before the round will explode, which means a minimum range of about 1600 mdters - see section 65(b) -

20mm and other “light” FLAK were invented for that. :face_with_monocle:

People who can’t shoot down a/c with the existing 20mm lack skill.

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If you manage to hit it.
And unless he will fly in a straight line, youhave a very small chance to succeed imo.

I feel like large caliber “AA” guns will be slightly more useful in this game as anti-tank guns instead lol

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true,most AT guns are just not worth building unless you are on a flank of a tank

What you suggested are also in the suggestion I posted a while back. It was passed along to the devs and I honestly think there will be some additions made with it in the future.

Not true. If you have an elevation advantage, you can often punch through below the turret or other parts too.

yeah,but you unfortunately don’t get the elevation advantage a lot,but it does help

Honestly, post-merge i foresee the mortar squad becoming more popular, specifically for the use of the 80mm mortars. They have plenty of range and can kill tanks, even heavy ones, as they hit from above.