Suggestion - add face camo in the future

Dear Devs, can we please have this in the future:


Of course this is for further future, there are more important things in the game to take care of and we know how hard the devs are working on them, but please consider it, and pin it somewhere as a possible new feature. It would be so awesome if we could have optional face camo.
This customization, if it was introduced, should also have the option of covering the soldier’s face with a mask or some piece of cloth (like the Gewehr 41 sniper squad or the event assaulters with silenced MP-40)

There are already several classes in the game that use face camo, including assaulters, snipers and paratroopers. HistoricaL photos show many interesting types of face camo used by various “classes”:
Machinegunner with camo net:

A sniper probably (notice the rifle wrapped in camo cloth:

Another German sniper:

Our Normandy assaulter, already in the game:
demdeutschenvolke: “ Waffen-SS Soldier in full Splittertarn-pattern uniform, with a non-standard face mask. The camouflage smock is worn over field gear, thus the bulge on the stomach. ”

camo paint on a German soldier, judging by the collar:


i’d be interested to see how exactely they would implement this.

because for example, the face paint on the americans paratroopers are entirely new heads with a retexture. ( meaning that it will be a new buyable head… and not an actual slot dedicated for face paint, but they can always pull out a trick by their sleeves somehow… and… maybe )

but as far as it goes, not particularly opposed to face camo, but it should be relatively rare and not really obtainabled to all classes ( it would be weird see non paratrooper or sniper units gets them in the first place )

but maybe it’s just me.

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If this going to be a thing, it should be heavily limited. Either as BP reward or event


People were only realising the significance of good camouflage during WW2, face painting wasn’t common practice yet so i support Adamnpee’s take on this.


They should make it only available to units that were know for adopting this style of combat example the American paratroopers


you know what?,the best camo it’s premium for japan and the other are event who it’s gone, they will make you pay like for the tanks, if at least they allow us grind like in war thunder…it would be nice

gas mask that would be good, aviator glasses, and sunglasses

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:sweat_smile: :sunglasses:

I feel like if this happened, then we will start getting clown skins (that was an exaggeration) like the goofy colorful skins you get in battlefield v.