Suggestion about bikes

  1. Add the ability to pick up a machine gun.
    MG 34 for R75 and KS750.
    Browning for WLA and Bren Mk2 for premium one.
    MG34 is 3 br, and Browning is even 5. It would seem unfair to have access to such machine gun on second br? Well, it’s a little trouble. First of all, it’s just one mg. Secondly, you should limit the ammunition that can be taken. Two drums for mg34 and one 100 round’s belt for browning. What about Bren? With it, you should just be able to take 5-6 magazines for 150-180 rounds. Yes, it’s still worse, but nevertheless. At least it will add at least some flexibility, power and attractiveness to this type of squad.

  2. Ammo box for common bikes and for premium one, add a choice of either 3 crew or ammo box.(Or box with medkits) This, again, will add more usefulness to this squad and make it more tactical.

I came up with this idea when I saw this nonsense.

Common R75 - 3 seats.
Premium KS750 - 3 seats.
But premium can use third seat for third crewman unlike common. Without any rational reason. Except “Because.”

At least american common really have only 2 seats and some free space for some kind of box.

  1. Update physics…

This thing should be fun, and not flip over at every first bug-ridden pixel or when trying to take off from a small hill/high ground…

I love being banned for mention of good man. A phrase that doesn’t make sense without context, but I’ll leave it here anyway.


Plus we should get automatic customization base on campaign setting. There’s no reason why we should see afrika corps bike in Moscow for example. It’s disgusting imho.


eh… seems a bit lacklaster this one as a suggestion for bikes.
and… i don’t really see why should one be removed.

obviously that’s not gonna happen.

we could aim instead, to more concrete improvements:

and above all, introduce ussr and japan bikes.


The first point definitely makes sense. The third one is too general. The second one is controversial, but it also makes sense. So I don’t see anything wrong and impossible.

From what I’ve read briefly, I agree.

Well, I assumed it was part of this topic. Although I did not really specify that this should apply to all vehicles, except for the name of topic itself.

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After doing some research the 10th Panzer division with it’s motorbike regiment did server in Army Group Centre under Panzer Group 2.

I have no clue what do you mean by that.

I was referring to palm (afrika korps) icon which you can’t remove from the bike. And it is extremely immersion breaking outside of any Tunisia map in the game.


That part yes, the insignia shows it’s current place. But both the game and history talk about the division being present in Barbarossa before being transferred. If we could get proper insignia for each campaign it participated in it’d be great.


That wasn’t my point. To ingame match it is completely irrelevant what division does the squad represent in hangar.

I just don’t like the fact you are forced to look at afrika corps icons outside of Africa in completely inadequate battles/campaign/settings.


Let us remove the sidecar for the WLA as well.

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I think the division it represents is still important but for the case you mention it’s literally just the insignia that should change.
Also I never noticed the insignia.

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don’t summon stein here…please

I want a USSR rider so bad