Vehicle should also have a choice of camouflage for each campaign like infantry squads

I don’t know, it’s probably been written and not once. But I have not seen such topics. In general.
It is wrong when tanks with similar camouflage get on the maps, for example, of Moscow. Especially in winter Moscow. Firstly, they become much more noticeable. Secondly, it causes even more damage to the remaining authenticity.(There are going battle for the snow-covered trenches of the Moscow region and then suddenly a puma flies out from nowhere, looking like it just came from Rommel’s divisions… That’s looks silly.)
Tanks in winter camo on Tunis maps doesn’t look better anyway.

So suggest is simple.

  1. Just add a couple of windows here to customize the camo for a specific campaign.
  2. Add a standard camo for each tank and plane for each campaign.
  3. Reduce the cost of camo by half.(For those who bought before, it would be great to return the gold)
  4. Add a couple of camos that you can get for completing any achievements on this tank/plane. (Why not?)
  5. Add camouflage for planes. (Why not?)
Screenshot quality note

They were made on a calculator. So the quality is appropriate.


But can it run Doom?


i mean if the thing that use for testing pregnancy can run game then im sure it can (no joke but sadly i forgot where i heard it from but it pretty cool imo)

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Depends, can it turn on? If yes than, yes it can!


My light switch boutta be the coolest one on the block!

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I would really like this. Maybe add some sort of final reward with battle damaged skin for the tank you played. Also unique skins and decals for bp would be nice. Currently the bp is kinda boring with mostly just silver


That is what I have been saying for the past 3 months! I really hate how cheap BP is at the moment, its like its full of placeholders.


I cannot believe how we not have Camo depending on Campaign already, it’s just shitty laziness on devs part. It’s not like space engineering to give same system for vehicles as for soldiers


Unfortunately yeah. It is messed up that our main source of silver is bp because matches give barely anything


Cosmetics and camos really need overhauled.

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