Suggest adding a BR2 AT option to USSR

Currently Russian AT Gunners only have the option of an AT Rifle at BR2 meanwhile all other nations have propelled grenades or rockets in BR2. I suggest adding an equivalent item to the Russians at BR2 so that they have something good at punching up at BR3 armor. My first thought would be captured Sturmpistoles or something lend-leased from the Allies. I am unfamiliar with Russian AT infantry options used in WW2 so if anyone has suggestions for the devs please provide them. I hope to have a good BR2 AT weapon for the USSR in the future as it is odd that they don’t have en equivalent item and it is difficult to counter armor without one.


Type A launcher prototype:

This is a converted PTRD made to fire a 70mm HEAT projectile by using 14.5mm blank rounds, it had 150mm of pen but that can be adjusted for a lower BR. It would be very similar to the Grb-39.

There is a couple more original soviet AT launchers that you can see here:


Your post was great with good suggestions. I’d take any of them, especially with Japan being allowed to have prototypes.