Subjective list of underutilised equipment for reference

I just thought I could make a list of stuff that isn’t used often or there are better options to use instead. I’ll later compare it with “the new enlisted” some time after the merge. Just out of curiosity.

Feel free to add your own positions.

My subjective list in random order:

  • shovels
  • TDs
  • bombless fighters
  • snipers
  • mortars
  • AT squad
  • transport vehicles
  • AT mines
  • molotov, smoke and P grenages
  • smoke arty
  • AT guns

Maybe I’ll add more later.



Yes, we need more snipers :rofl:


what a TD? also i wouldnt say molotov is underutilised more like underrated imo just like how impact grenade were barely used before phosphorus was nerf

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Tank Destroyer. Basically everything without a turret except for M something (M10?)

No. On Lf servers people allegadly always use them. There is nothing bad, useless or underused on Lf.

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yea m10 have open top turret my favorite tank in warthunder when i still play it

Then I guess I should give it a try to finally see something new. Or I could just play BFV.

Light tanks
Early bombers in Pacific
AT Rifles (except maybe PTRS. Jap gun is more like a cannon)
Smoke screen
The Japanese Grind Katana
20 Mag SMGs because they are too OP once you get the MP38/40 whatever.

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Its only because their MMGs work, isnt it?

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Also free stug.


does pistol count as underutilized? cause you would only used it on 2 occasion
1.for quest
2.when out of ammo

I use Nambus on my IJA mortarmen for close combat

i do too what i meant was it not really mainstream if that make any sense like you dont see people run around using it


yea love the first one since i use that a lot in MOH airborne infinite ammo mauser very fun (no sarcasm)

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no one uses the m10 or m18 in enlisted due to the open top and lack of coaxial mg. also the armour is paper thin making you vulnerable to even pumas

I see Ta-Se all the time. Ha-Go your right about. Now that I think about it majority of the time I see Japanese tanks it’s the Ta-Se.

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Because its used by newbies. I think that doesnt really count due to lack of choice.

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oh ik just weird I rarely ever see any other japanese tanks


I use these in pretty much every deck and game.

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