Stupid Questions Inbound!

Which is worse, a newb on a Mortar Squad or Sniper Squad?

Which would you rather have on your team (defense)? A gray zone tank or a suicide pilot?

For tank armament, more effectiveness against meatsacks or enemy armor?

Is Assault worse for defenders or attackers?

What’s more frustrating, AI blocking your shot or enemy lean spammers?

What is the worst map in the game and why is it the Tunisia hole in the ground map?

Does anyone enjoy Normandy Airfield?

I’m out of stupid questions for now. I may do more later, who knows?


Hard to choose. Newbie snipers are probably still the worst to have in your team

Depends on the map and the individual. If the tank gets lots of kill and bleeds the enemy tickets fast then probably him

Tank hunters are more useful in my opinion but if the enemy team doesnt have any tanks then they are totally useless. Infantry killers are the safest option

Attackers absolutely

I dont see many lean spammers anymore due to the nerf. Nothing is more frustrating than ai blocking your grenade causing you to explode

Quarry is worse in my opinion. The map encourages camping and gives less rewards for objective players


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snipers you can equip with assault weapons like a stg or fg42 2, which makes them better, than every other class (not including engeener)

after suiciding pilot can take engeener and make a spawn.

attackers. that impossible to win it, when youre playing solo.

thats it.

whole pacific.

for me that definitely isnt the worst map, i hate pacific much more than it.

Ofcourse its a US main hating on Star Wars map XD. It’s not bad, it’s just different. Airfield map is much worse, most stomps happened on that map.

Depends. On defense, a sniper team can be really good. If the player knows where to be, and aim. A mortar on offense is also great. After a salvo, the squad can charge with 2 assaulters. The opposite scenario for both is what you really don’t want…

Grey zone tank. Because he’s actually doing his job if keeps pounding the cap zone… a suicide pilot always suck, and is a waste of tickets.

It’s annoying for both! But it’s definitely worse for attackers…

Ai. God they are frustrating when they do that!!!

For me it’s Normandy dday. Overdone in so many games. I’m sick of it.

A weird map… can have the best tank and aerial gameplay… but for infantry… ugh.

Lean spammers.
Because AI is being improved (slowly but still) and ppl remain dicks.

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Idk. I dont enjoy it as Axis either.

The Tunisia Fortress map has the worst gray zone for spawn camping and the pit map’s just dull
Airfield is definitely my least favorite of the Normandy maps for much the same reason as the pit map. It’s dull. A hole or hangar repeatedly doesn’t scream “fun map design” to me

I think AI doing GET DOWN MR PRESIDENT (blocking your rpg) for enemy tank is way more annoying lol

For all the complaining about them, I honestly haven’t really seen suicide pilots ever hit anything

Moisture farms are fine IMO. That super open one with that stupid ruin in the middle is way worse, half the time there is nowhere decent to put a rally point

Kinda like it when it’s an even match. Sucks horrifically when stacked though

Sniper because is more versaille.

Gray zone tanks only do their job/ are “forced” because of shitty maps.

Enemy armor because most of the time they also work against inf decently enough.

Are Catholic priests good Kindergarten teachers?

Lean spammers because its gay. R6S exists for this.

It is actually D-Day.

Depends on teams.

From the perspective of terrain requirements
Mortars can do more than snipers

Facing the defense?
I will use buildings, terrain, and smoke to move forward
Then build a respawn point in a suitable place to ensure that casual players behind will not continue to die halfway.
Or use aircraft to completely annihilate those high-risk units on the ground and then do the above work.

I will prepare semi-automatic pistols and anti-tank rifle grenades for the anti-tank soldiers
to ensure versatility

I hate being defensive
Because I have to constantly make up for the defense gaps of friendly forces.
Sometimes it’s difficult to continue killing enemies after they’re trapped in the gray zone
And those casual players are just doing their own thing on the side

I don’t hate those dynamite and bullets flying towards me
I just hate that I am the only one or a few people who are fighting seriously while other casual players just die passively or hide behind and wait for victory.

Power plants and tractor yards
I have trouble effectively using smoke bombardment to obscure indoor capture points
And casual players have almost no use for attacking indoors
They will not attempt to detour or counterattack enemies hiding behind cover
They just keep taking the main roads and get shot

Overall no problems
But not to the extent that I like it

If I’m not doing melee quest then yes


Suicide pilot. Because, with any luck, they’ll take out the gray zone tank on the other side. And, with any luck, that means we won’t have a gray zone tank on my team either. I could write a book on why gray zone tanks suck in this game on either side.

AI spamming. Oh wait. J/K - the blocking your shot is insane. I’ve probably died more b/c of AI or team mate blocks my shot, only to be killed by the enemy lean spammer I would have hit, had they not blocked my damn shot.

BAH! I agree with those above - I rather like the Star Wars map. Plus, it’s a nice change-up.

Normandy Beach is the absolute worst map in the game. I haven’t seen the worst version of it in some time, so maybe they took it out of the rotation. But, I remember a match about 2.5 months ago, where the Allies were just pinned on the beach and there were German tanks literally on the beach pounding the original spawn points. Talk about poor level design.

sniper squad. newbie is useless 100% of time with sniper while he can be useful with mortar on open cap maps and when playing attacker (much less when playing defender).

doesnt matter either way. it would be different story if you were asking about attackers (in which case suicide pilots would be detriment).

for attackers cause they need to keep both caps fully captured.


there are couple of maps. tunisia hole map is only one of the contenders. other would be berlin train mode, most assaults are high up there, etc.

mostly when i am playing attackers it can be enjoyable.

Ok I’m missing something here. Why is it called “the Star Wars map?”

Map design only, not gamemode

thank you

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mortar squad because newbies cannot understand how the mortars work, snips are so sastifising, and anooying at the same time because sometimes a newbie with sniper is even more mortal than a chinaman player.

Gray zone tank.

I would like a strum tiger because yes, so my answer is ( Infantery deleter 2.0)

depends on the player but i think that they are worse for attackers because you have to flank to surprise the enmy and newbies dont do that they just attack from the front so they got smashed quickly and we lost refoirciments and defendending they dont have refoirciments.


Stalingrad tractor plant.

Very difficult map but still playable i guess

a suicide pilot is better than someone hogging the plane for the entire match without doing much

equally bad for both sides since it is the mode that need team work the most.

My AI has saved more enemy tanks that their own team

I dislike the entirety of Normandy: boring front, awful campaign pre merge, still missing a lot of important battles like the commonwealth sector (where most heavy panzers actually fought) and together with Hurtgen the reason why i get less Tunisia or Eastern Front matches.

Luke house is based on that same village.