Stopgap Measures To Save Japan From Drowning in BR 3 - 4

I know there is 1000 topics about it but there must be more until something is done…
Whoever played Japan in BR 3-4 knows the situation is bad the lack of equipment and the existing equipment outside of SMGs is abysmal so better stay BR 1-2 if you play Japan. There is few easy thing that can be done by the devs to save Japan in a short time:

  1. Replace D4Y1 with D4Y2:

That will have 1 x 500 kg and 4 x Type 3 No.1 Mod.28 Mk.1 rockets.

  1. Add New Tank to BR - 4 Chi-To:

  2. Move Chi-Nu to BR - 3:

4.Give Scopes to Type 96 and Type 99:

5.Give us one big Japanese Event with 2 squads 1 for APCs and One for BR - 3 -4 paras :

Level 1 Squad Reward :

Level 2 Squad Reward:"

So this will be the fastest way to save Japan in short term and to make them playable on BR 3-4. I don’t think it will be that hard to make this changes.


Until bipod rework this is going to be change for the worse.

But I overall agree with you.

Maybe instead of replace just add to the folder.


Maybe they can buff type 99 also a bit but just in the short term will save the situation specially with the tank spam D4Y2 and Chi-To will give Japan some fighting chance.

I played as Japan BR I and II in a console only queue; I still lost every game I played. Fixes/balance changes will be needed there also.

Chi-Nu belongs to BR2 though, I mean the dogwater tank is closer to Pz III J1 than Pz IV J… Hell even Puma is better being a glasscannon

Well if you remove the British out of the BR1-2 actually Japan was very good but now is bad but not terrible. There is only one thing that I hate in BR 2 Owen Mk 1 there is P -51 c and P -38G that I expected to give me more trouble but its playable or majority of Pilots on BR 2 are bad with P-51 and P-38G the most skilled pilots at this BR use Spitfire or P-40E-1 every time I see one of those 2 planes i know this guy will be good and maybe the M1 carabine with Grenade launcher is a bit too much but its not like super OP like the Owen Mk 1… xD

Type 89 Adapted for ground use could fill for a BR IV LMG

It feeds from a 69 round Pan magazine and it’s chambered for 7.7mm

Another thing that really made me lose confidence in whoever is in charge of content development is the fact that they put the Chi-Ha nd the Chi-Ha Kai behind a pay wall/Time limit. Japans two most famous tanks and the CHi-Ha is actually pretty killler with the HEAT shell and its behind a damn pay wall, Ridiculous.


Personally all you need for US low BR is a Scott to bully every Axis faction, the tank just nuke everything you can see

P38 rocket spam is OP though


Well I agree rockets for BR 2 are OP on the Scott its open top on a jungle map its not a good idea… its nukes everything but is really easy to kill not to mention the anti tank rifle can deal with it easy… I think the M1 carabine with grenade launcher and Owen Mk 1 are the most Op things that are on the US side on this BR to be Honest in all the equipment US has the advantage in SMGs,LMGs,Rifles,Tanks even Planes…

I know I made a topic about it in long term where I see the faction but I think first we need this small changes that I posted just too keep it going until bigger changes are made.

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I never used the Owen but Lanchester… so dunno

Well you can use it until BR 5 for SMGs there is nothing better until that point