My Prediction For Japan Tech Tree After Japan BR 5 is Released

su-ki is a very cute looking vehicle i love it

Yeah and it fits Japan’s amphibious capabilities with the islands maps will be amazing addition and there is option for premium but I prefer the Su-Ki and you can put Type 3 Ka-Chi in your setup to make full landing force :smiley: And its fast 65 km/h


There is a problem: ho ri didnt even exist

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It looks very real to me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: by Gaijin and Emperor Yoshiro’s will.
it’s a bit too late for that i think to be honest I’m not going to play it heavy tanks where never been my thing I prefer the Panther over the King Tiger. I’m more sad that Chi-he is premium I’m willing to trade it for chi-he xD

First person I’ve seen ask for a telescopic sight on a machine gun.

Leave it for the battle pass, there are domestic options:
Te-4 - Feeds from a 69-round pan mag, rate of fire of appx. 670 RPM

Type 92 7.7mm field mod. - Feeds from 97-round pan mag, rate of fire of appx. 500-600 RPM

I think the ZH-29 with a 20 round magazine would be more realistic given it saw service around the period of WW2 and was produced in greater numbers.

Allegedly there were 2 variants; one with a 20 rnd mag and one with a 30 rnd. In my opinion the 20 rnd should be a general rifle and the 30 rnd should be a BP machine gun or perhaps a TT assaulter weapon.

Can’t comment on vehicles as I haven’t entered that rabbit hole yet, but the Ki-43 should definitely be in game as it was Japan’s 2nd-most produced aircraft.

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Or we can add it to BR 5 now we have 2 LMGs for BR 5 Will be on the level of RD-44 we put Manchuria campaign in the game and its going to be very interesting scenario. The maps will be amazing.

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Te-4 should be BR IV as it is comparable to the MG 34 (75 rnd) and DT-29. BR V can have the Type 92 7.7mm field mod. and Type 98 (MG 15) due to the larger magazine capacity. The Type 92 could also be provided with the 47-round magazine to strengthen BR IV.



  • Type 92 7.7mm field mod. (47 rnd)
  • Te-4


  • Type 98
  • Type 92 7.7mm field mod. (97 rnd)

Why would this be br3? Sure, eight rounds, but it’s a tube magazine bolt action, really slow to reload and probably not fast to use. BR 2 at best.

This is neat, but semi-autos are BR 4 max.

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It is just a later version of zb26. 20 round mag, magazine on top that block half of the screen while aiming, really not suitable for br4.

Considering that PPsh 41 with stick mag is br3, I think it should also be br3.

I don’t think it deserves br5. Soviet ppd34/38 is on br4. Don’t say something like 50 Round Thompson is br5, that thing don’t deserve br5.

Dev are adding the production version.


Well then we can put Type 99 on the place of ZB 30 on BR 4 and put Te-4 69-round with pan mag as Sharkzy64 suggested in BR 4 after Type 99.

Well yes but the Russians have amazing SMGs just like the Germans have amazing LMGs so you cant compare them with USSR in the SMG scale compare them with US and US have Thompson on BR 4.

Well for a starting BR 3 rifle will be fine 8 rounds is 8 rounds but yes it can be put in BR 2 also maybe also put Otsu rifle to BR 3 and The Hino Kamuro rifle to BR - 4 ? I will rework it actually you have a good point and Sharkzy64 also given me good LMG for BR-4 and SzepWaxweiler anti tank weapon and i think will be perfect.

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Go full fictional and add this. An Arisaka rifle with a 30 round Type 99 LMG’s magazine. Most probably a trench variant but the Snail God can make it fully automatic.
If a fictional tank can be added why not a fictional AR?

The Type Hei Automatic Rifle should at best be the select fire rifle for Japan. Lol. :joy:



Well I didn’t put them with realism in mind i picked them from gameplay perspective what will be good to play cuz if we make realistic tree there will be BR 3 at best :smiley:

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Anyway, I just want a plane that can thoroughly slaughter P-47s.

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Ki-84 but wont have same ground support capabilities like P-47 something like P-47 is the Mitsubishi A7M Reppū but I didn’t included it in favor of J2M3 that also have rockets. But Ki-84 is the natural predator to P-47 cuz its very good for low level strafing of ground targets and P-47 is Close Air Support aircraft. P-51D is Better then Ki-84 but only in High Attitude the mustang had the edge in both speed and max altitude, but could not match the Ki-84 climb rate and maneuverability below 20,000 feet. So P-51D is good for protecting bombers but If you have to protect your P-47 against Ki-84 you will be in a bad spot most likely the P-47 will not have the easy air superiority that now P-47 enjoys.

Many German players wish to add Messerschmitt Me 262 but that’s a very poor choice to go against P-47 cuz what you gonna do in this low attitude fights your entire gameplay will be to circle like a shark very high in the sky to find a close air support aircraft for you can go to play his game in a low attitude battle cuz the P-47 has no reason to go to high attitude …


I also had the same logic in mind. I only tried to put it across in a fun way. No worries mate.

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200w (1)

I love these aircraft suggestions. Here’s a couple more IJA planes(air spawn) for ground attack.

Ki-45 Otsu

Good AT armament, 37mm cannon with AP as well as two 12.7mm MGs

Ki-45 Hei

Good Anti air and Anti-infantry armament with one 37mm auto cannon with HE and one 20mm cannon

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Yeah its in development its Gaijin after all :smiley: