Stop T3 going into T1/2 games

It is truly very infuriating for anyone who is playing very bottom of the barrel stuff,I run BR1 stuff a lot, and it just breaks the balance when people who have this broken stuff.every match I get it T3 plays on the leaderboards spamming flamethrowers, impact grenades, rifle grenades,paratroopers,tanks that can’t be fought in tank v tank at BR2,and all sorts of other braindead things that make the game not fun to one wants to fight a T34 or a KV1 in a panzer 2 or fight a panzer 4 in a T60.I propose you split the ques into 1/2,3/4, and 4/5.this way all players fight people that have gear that they can actually go against, T3 and 4 are pretty similar,and this would allow low teir players to finally find solace and not have a bunch of sweat lords running their game.


1: SMG’s from BR I to III aren’t that big of a leap in capability
2: Bolt Action’s are the most efficient weapon in the game, and are arguably better than Semi Auto’s
3: Armor balance is not the end all be all. This is Enlisted, not War Thunder. Worried about the big bad enemy tank your tank can’t pen? Bring a plane instead, or the AT Squad
4: It’s not like you’re fighting nothing but BR III’s. It should be a decent mix of I’s, II’s, and III’s. Don’t let 1-3 people run a whole lobby


Yeah its suck, as a vet sometimes i just prefer stay playing in br5 than dying in low br1-2

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Hehe MG go brrrrr

You might call me crazy, but I want some things moved (and added) to Tier 3 simply for historical immersion so at least they have a chance to spawn in early war

Personally I think the BR 3 being able to go either which way is fine. It allows a decent amount of variety

Impact nades should be limited to t4-5. Too many times i have run into people with 3 9 man squads all equipped with 3 impact nades


I was surprised that grenades are not in the research tree.
(oops I dont want to give anyone any ideas…)

should be just removed entirely.
Not only are they broken af currently but no one asked for them.

and the BR 1-2 should be locked entirely.


I would agree but then the impact nade spammers would get upset when their 100+ grenades are gone


Complete garbage written by a 1kd bot slayer

You literally can stand a chance against BR3 while still using BR2 gear

It should be Tier 1-2, Tier 2-3, Tier 4-5. Tier 3 can’t compete against BR4. KV1 against Pathers, is the equivalent of bringing a BR 3 tank to a BR 5 battle in War Thunder. KV1 shouldn’t even appear in Berlin the first place

There are also T34s in that line that can do something to panthers,like shooting out the barrels, the KV1 is more of an infantry support tank though, and it was way to powerful in Stalingrad and still is now because T1 and 2 players have the same and worse AT options against the KV1, and no panzer 4 long most of the time to even damage it.

Well those are reasons why it isn’t that bad, but here is a huge thing you forgot:flamethrowers.these things are spammed nonstop by T3 players when they aren’t spamming endless amounts of impact grenades. And for your point about the Armour,a lot of those low teir AT weapons(especially T1 which I play often) don’t do anything to tanks at their own teir, so how is an AT rifle supposed to deal with a KV1 or T34? And a lot of the time noobs that don’t do anything in the planes take up the spots and don’t let you do the one effective thing to those tanks.

1-2, 2-3-4, 4-5

Makes much more sense.

Panzer 4s against T28s and KV1s against panzer 3s?the way you typed it makes it look like 2,3, and 4 in a que, that is not going to work.the gap between 2 and 3 is too large for it to be reasonable for them to fight one another. Rifle grenades,flamethrowers,tanks with long 75 and 76 mm cannons,and other stuff makes it unreasonable for them to fight T2 players, and dragging them into ques with BR4 is going to make this game terrible

Not really.

It just ensures that almost all tiers can meet +/- 1 br tier. Only tier 1 cannot meet lower, or tier 5, higher.

So you cannot cheese it by telling yourself “I’ll just pawn noobs with max tier 2 without a care” you’ll always have to stay on your toes.

At least do some basic research before you try to insult somebody

Flamethrowers have very limited range. Yes they are devastating in buildings and on closed objectives. Outside of that, they are very situational. If you see an enemy running in the distance with a tank on his back, take him out before he can get anywhere. That man is priority #1

Flamethrower spam in Normandy was never terrible, but the Krauts did love their Flammen Werfers. Dude who got Best Flame Trooper was often top 5 on his team. I’ve used em a bit. They’re fun. There are a few ways to survive flametroopers if you’re lucky though. Going prone and putting yourself out often works for me. SMG’s can land you a trade if you’re quick enough and can save a least some of your squad

Point is, they can be beaten. Just gotta accept you’ll take some casualties here and there. Manpower is the most expendable resource in the game after all

And what’s gonna happen when a panther appear right infront of it ? shoot the barrel ? and expect the barrel color to turn dark ? often time you missed the shot because of enlisted jumpy crosshair

you would say flank the panther with T34s, AT squad because they got panzerfaust now. but what if it was the Berlin bridge map you’re playing on ? which the only way around is the bridge you have to cross, and often times Enlisted map is very small in comparison that vehicles have very small room to move around without them touching the greyzone that slowly poisons their crew.

I don’t want to see a panther in Stalingrad nor KV1 in Berlin. War Thunder players would probably said the same