Stop T3 going into T1/2 games

Im starting to lean towards 1, 2-3-4, 5

According to you, playing the Soviets in the lower low br(1~2)ļ¼š
Why donā€™t you use bt-7A/f-32, pps-43, pps-42, ppsh-2, p-40e-1, ht-130, Plate armor costumeļ¼Ÿ
win is easy~

Dude, really?
Iā€™m going to refute this list hard-

  1. BR1 SMGs for Axis- MP28 with 480rof and 20 round magazine. BR3 SMG for Soviets- PPSH-41 (box) 1000 rof and 35 round magazine. Huge difference just right there alone. Allies have similar SMGs, sure, but they ARE a big leap when going against each other.

  2. Take a Springfield squad at nearly any range against a G43 squad, or a Kar98 squad versus an M1 Garand. The guy with the semi-auto can easily kill the entire squad before needing a reload, the bolt action at least will have to just once, outside of like 2 Bolt Actions in the game which have 10 rounds. Semis are, more often than not, just better. Arma and M1 carbine not so much, though.

  3. Armor balance is HUGE. Most low BR Soviet tanks can easily pen the low end Axis, and with their APHE rounds easily kill the whole crew. The AP rounds of Axis often canā€™t, and when they do they rarely kill the whole crew due to lacking HE. At BR3 itā€™s more fair (Note: The KV1 and some other stuff isnā€™t so well balance at their tier, and BR5 Axis tanks has little to worry about from Allies tanks). At that point an AT squad is REQUIRED, and even then itā€™s not a promised easy kill. A Tiger sitting behind enemy lines is hard to reach on foot unless he misplaces himself, and not every pilot is an Ace with the best bombs for the job (or the best aim).

  4. BR3 can crush the lower BRs (much better AT weapons, better tanks, though Axis BR3 tanks can be penned by Soviets and Allies, somewhat) and are crushed by higher BRs, unless they have the perfect setup (try using a BR3 team without unlocking BR3 AT weapons, or a BR3 tank. Itā€™s a nightmare and you generally get farmed by tanks unless your team swarms them).


You sure?

Wouldnā€™t that be hell for tier 2 vs 4?

probably. Just that that even with 3 queues it will still be hell for something.

Thinking that maybe its best if that hell isnt BR 1 (new players)

You underestimate bolt action rifle users power


1: Russians have the best SMGā€™s in the game. Thatā€™s just a fact. You WILL NOT compete wih Sovie SMG game, so quit while youā€™re behind and learn to use what you got

2:Semi Autoā€™s have really harsh nerfs on them. Namely in the form of recoil and damage. 30-06 is 30-06 regardless if itā€™s coming out of an M1903 or an M1. And before you say anything about different ballistics, the muzzle velocity is near identical

3: Armor balance is not an end all be all. This is first and foremost an infantry game with combined arms elements. And donā€™t you even begin to come at me with complaints about solid AP when none of our 75mm tanks donā€™t even get our basic APCBC shells

4: Why would I run a BR III loadout WITHOUT BR III weapons? Thatā€™s the whole point of a BR system. Plus I run either the BR III P-38 with M8ā€™s or the BR II SBD-3 with the 1000lb bomb

BR III is perfect as is in this system. Entirely random on what youā€™ll fight. Just like I appreciated in the Campaign system

all Tiers should be locked one Tier up or down
T1 - 1/2T2
T2 - 1/2/3
T3 - 2/3/4
T4 - 3/4/5
T5 - 4/5

Doubt theres enough players, after all it probably was reason for just 2 ques.
So unless this game magically becomes the game of the year 2024 and get lots of new players im quite sure weā€™re stuck with 2 ques.

And if we strickly stick to 2 ques id say BR 1-2 deserve theyr own que, rest could be in same que 3-4-5.
Could move some ā€œhighā€ tier stuff to lower BRā€™s, making the BR3 more able to compete in 3-4-5.

Like I said somewhere, my guess is they are waiting to open the steam valves (get my weak pun? Lol) to open that third queue.

It will bring new players, hopefully enough for more ques.
But considering the state of the game, dont exactly have high hopes for 3rd que.

From what Iā€™m seeing, Game will enter steam as soon as all factions have similar equipment (so tier 5 Pershing for USA, proto stuff for Japanā€¦)

So that everything more or less is on par with each othersā€¦

Then, a bit of br tweaks after those add onsā€¦

Then the steam engine.

Thatā€™s my guess anyway.

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referring to the rather broken state of the game more than imbalance.
For once they could spend some time to fix broken stuff rather than add new broken stuff.

if t3 has to face t5, t1 2 has to face t3 its only fair

Then T3 shouldnā€™t face T5

Why would I need to research something I already know? Well, can you explain it?

Hmm. No. Iā€™m not gonna waste my breath on someone who sees something they disagree with and immediately resort to insults. Have fun

Because you are trying to teach people to fail.

Not everyone suffers from your lack of skill

You will dodge every game invite lel