Still no fix for this?

I seriously cant understand how hard it would be to get rid of this. You waste your time and resources to make premium squads and new mechanics nobody asked for but simply refuse to fix gamebreaking bugs.

This pop up keeps jumping on my screen whenever i play custom matches. It interrupts your gameplay and it is not only extremely annoying but also makes your game experience worse.

Imagine being in a intense gunfight and getting this stupid thing on your screen causing you to lose. Or flying an airplane and crashing because you get this useless message. That is what happens in every custom game i play.

So in the love of god do something about it. It is horrible

Pop-up saying “army has changed due to change in settings” // // Issues


premiums get worked on because customs don’t bring any money.

that’s the difference.


Custom matches are the only place for veterans who have finished the grind. It is sad to see them being abandoned even if they have supported the game for years