he will say ppsh be sure of that
i doubt it be his option, mine is skewed anyway, because i am a Aussie
the punishment they put this gun through, was incredible, always been in love with it,
I’m really wondering tbh, if Sten is second. What is the best one, i’m curious.
if you ask all, you will never get a answer, they will argue, till the cows come home lol
Do you like Austen as well?
I don’t want to argue or anything, just want to know how he determines the best.
I was more making the point that their being called “good” is on a strategic level. Easy to mass produce and cheap
on a tactical level (combat performance), not so much.
I already answered you in my previous message.
Yeah, that’s not issue at all… What the hell is this opinion?
This game would end just as bf2042 with boring big maps. People who want to increase map size are just disillusioned and naive clowns without any proper argument. Only thing they can do is bitching about meta, thinking it’s problem related to map size lmao.
You can go play HLL if you want lame & boring travel simulation at every start of battle.
According to historian gun jesus brains , the best smg of WW2 award goes to Beretta M38A
quality and features are outstanding , most practical rate of fire, reliable, different stick mags of sizes up to 40 rounds which is more than enough
had well cooled barrel, two triggers, good caliber, wooden stock , minimal recoil , well done magazine design
also these:
suomi kp 31
we shall not forget MP 34 or steyr solothurn S-100 for japanese
french Mas-38 was also very good
M2 Hyde
basically many of smg that were made with attention to detail and quality during interwar period, many countries found out how to make good smg each with their own different ingredients, if there was enough money for it
I saw lot of his videos and love Beretta M38. I dont really want to know answer to what really is best SMG of WW2, i want to know what he thinks soo to at least know reasons why he thinks that Sten is second one. I’m really just curious.
-Flashbacks intensify-
Mission briefing: You must demolish that bridge!
Actual mission: You must prevent that bridge from being demolished!
i played hidden and dangerous 1 when i was kid, such good memories, the game was iconic but so hard as it wasnt first person
i think its the first time i saw a IRON SIGHT mode
…and ill never forget how germans looked there, i was really scared when they surprised me while shouting ENGLANDER ! also the sound MG 42 was scary, but i could ride tiger on certain maps
i havent understood jack shit since it was all in english, so i had to translate it somehow , thats how i began to learn english
This is how i started learning english
I hope you learned after that it is in Czech complete with dabing and you could have understood it easier.
some friend of mine gave it to me on some questionable CD and it was in english only
Understantable no further information are required, i have 3 box full of questionable CD for ps1 and ps2
Shame, even on steam there is no czech version sadly, but you can download it and install it yourself.
there was one mission i could only play at night because it was dark as hell
i also remember mission where there was such huge amount of german reinforcements coming after my squad that only way how to deal with them was to hide on som flank , give soldier Browning MG with almost 6000 bullets in reserve and press fire once they started coming only to be mindlessly slaughtered from side while my old processor tried its best to not shut down the game …