Steamrolls and unbalanced/not fun matches are 100% the playerbase’s fault

bruh, I’ve been playing with “CBT mode on” ever since I finished all my trees. Outside of obvious 5-minute turbostomps the amount of games that drag out to “damn, that was a close one” is way higher than all the ragequitters seem to think

A match just from today:

Seems hopeless from the start? USA scraped the win out by the skin of their teeth (and im pretty sure it was a 4-stack that made the difference, they all zerged the last point with some coordination)

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5-10 minutes stomps are not the only stomps you can have. i had 25 minute stomps. do you know how they happen? simply defenders are extremely good and are killing the shit out of attackers. attackers start to camp and snipe…

Well, I think it was you who said “losing 1st cap instantly = desertion, cause it’s utterly pointless”
That replay is a decent proof its actually not. Hell, 2nd cap was lost a bit too fast for my liking, yet the game was almost a dub

When im attacking and my team is a sack of potatoes that refuses to leave spawn, I mentally move the goal posts. On some maps, sometimes, capping just one point feels like a win to me.


yeah it is pointless if i am only one building rally point and cap is full of players and they get overrun in 30 seconds. if i see multiple people building rally points and we get overrun on first cap point then it is worth staying. there is big difference between teams in those 2 cases.

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time and points or objectives, how long will it take my team to win or loose and how many point objectives can i gain in that time,

say 25 bolt action kills if i have to little time or the enemy is steam rolling us to quickly i leave

on the other hand were being creamed to hard that a the game will be over in ten minutes with no score or twenty with almost none

ill stay in for a crushing defeat if i can make enough points

I mean… What did I just read…

I WILL MAKE IT SIMPLE, in a match can i accomplish any of my daily challenges
or two how many points per minute can i make
if i can’t accomplish even or daily tasks
if i will make too few points per minute i leave

Man’z worried bout his PPM