Steamrolls and unbalanced/not fun matches are 100% the playerbase’s fault

From win leeches that follow the vets wherever they go, to those people who desert every match trying to find a team to carry them or an AI match to sweat against to make them feel good. These are the reasons that the matches that are genuinely painful to play exist. I implore you, my fellow players, when the Join Any Side bonus comes out, turn it on. Unstack the stacked faction. Balance out the playerbase. I implore you, my fellow gamers, when you press the queue button, be prepared to play Enlisted. Don’t spend some 20 minutes lobby surfing to find the “perfect match.” Stick with the one you’re put in and make it the “perfect match.” It will improve the gaming experience for everyone involved. Not just yourself


yea even when i accidentally play jap i stick to it even tho i know im gonna lose (but for me xp is xp so it fine)



Give me free new stuff for Germans and i will play them. We haven’t got anything cool and unique in months, only paid stuff was added. Only Soviets and Americans get new cool stuff. After they added M2 Stingers it was enough for me to abandon Germans for good it’s obvious that DF hates that nation.


i mean parrot was right all this time so i trust him

Biggest TT in the game
Always gets preemie versions of event squads before hand
Paper equipment
Exclusive arms race between the Germans and Russians that happens at the expense of the Allies

Yeah, no. Try again buddy

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Pointless because it is mostly copy paste.

Huh? I think that only applies to the Rocket Artillery in this year.

Then what is the T-20? Fairy equipment?

What are you on?

Yeah, no. Stop being dumb.


Will you finally play Germany?


Have before. Earlier this week no less. Japan is the only faction I don’t play

But then…

See… You can’t ask others to do something, and not do it yourself when it gets implemented, aye?


Palpatine - Ironic


Bold of you to assume i’d like to improve other players experience


Bloated TT full of garbage unlocks that are inferior to some other unlocks in the TT not just yours but also other nations, more than half of smgs are worthless same can be said about planes and tanks.

So do Soviets. I think they should calm down with premiums since every single update is all around them, they turned German nation as a premium whale country that’s where my complain lays if you want new content (unique vehicles/squads with new unique weapons) you have to pay real $$$.

So do Soviets, Americans and especially Japan

And now Americans have turned tables and become most overpowered nation with Soviets and Germany fall down to the last place, even Japan is not that weak as us now.

I see clowning as always. And i’m not your buddy.


At least from games I have participated in, the match making has been far better now then it was. That being said, the amount of idiots playing has not decreased. Far to many people are playing without regard to the game objectives solely looking for kills. I can count more games then I would like that I have lost, not due to bad match making, but due to bad team mates not interested in the objectives, but looking for individual kills.


He have a good point tho…

Try to look in the tech tree and see how much more research Germany need to do to get to the endgame equipment.

When there are event stuff, Germany are last as well, for that rocket arty they need to do 80.000 DMG, USSR needs 60.000, USA 40.000 and Japs just 20.000.

Facts doesn’t change, just because you don’t like them or don’t agree with what is said.


I’ll be honest, I still might start joining any team just cause. At this point the not playing Japan thing is just a stupid point of pride for me
That being said, I’m also not the average Enlisted player that will only play the guaranteed win. I stuck with the Allies in the months following Merge. I played USSR a while ago when they started getting their rears handed to them on a silver platter. I played Axis just 2 days ago. I may main Allies, but I do jump around and that jumping around is not dependent on what the rest of the playerbase is doing

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…yeah that’s what you do in a WWII game. You make as many preemies as possible for the Germans for maximum monetary gain. Honestly that’s just good business

We have absolutely 0 paper anywhere in our entire TT or GOW’s

Yeah and it took this long to get to that point. We now have a tank comparable to the Panther/Tiger, an event MG that is just flat out incredible, the best SMG’s fight me, and finally rifles on par with everyone else with the new T20 being our Type Hei Auto and FG 42 counterpart
Honestly I don’t know how much more they can add to the game save a Recoilless, M20 Super Bazooka, and of course the Super Pershing. As for the other trees, I don’t know what more you can add to them

Because you got the exclusive preemie squad with USSR. The decal event going on right now? Allies are last. So what is your point?

Are you serious?

  1. Its a decal vs a unit. - you can hardly compare that.
  2. Have you tried it? its really easy in contrast to the 80.000 points the German players need to get to unlock the unit.

I can’t get any positive emotional feedback in this environment
I just kept building, driving trucks, intercepting infantry, blowing up tanks.
To ensure that those OOs behind can reach the occupied area alive
I also have to pray they don’t hide behind and be snipers.
I’m tired

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