Steamrolls and unbalanced/not fun matches are 100% the playerbase’s fault

Now I prefer reading jokes on forums
My favorite joke now is that some groups who don’t like to think always package themselves as victims and discredit other groups and protest game mechanisms to hide their laziness and incompetence.

Been winning a LOT as Japan with Join Any turned on. All the new guys are playing US

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Not the point I was making. Point is, next event the order was flipped

Haven’t been paying too much attention to my win rates as of late. Mainly just trying to level up some oddball squads and chalking most of my crap matches to my own poor performance with squads I don’t normally use. Lol

These group of people exist in every multiplayer game, they’re the “min/max” players. Players who minimize their flaws and maximize their benefits, in other words the people who find the most efficient ways possible to farm.

They are the cause for the large difference in faction popularity density, it got so bad that DarkFlow have to spend an entire year developing the merge to try to remedy the problem or else their game dies. Since winning and losing directly influence the player progression speed ( winning give +50% exp and silver ), the larger the benefits for wining is the more min/maxer there will be.

As far as I can remember people have tried various things to maximize their chances of winning by exploiting broken equipment, because winning is transparently much more beneficial, they only move on when the meta gets nerfed. For example these are the things I remembered being an exploit at some point of the game development:

Before the merge:

  • Engineer AA gun spam
  • Flamethrower spam ( because AA gun get nerfed )
  • Phosphorous grenade spam ( because flamethrowers are nerfed )
  • Only play on popular faction, creating an unfair faction population density

After the merge:

  • Suicide plane cycling ( because phosphorous grenade get nerf )
  • Only play on popular faction, creating an unfair faction population density ( less severe )

Even now DarkFlow still try to alleviate the problems created by min/maxers and their own oversights with the proposed “Join any Team” function.

I was talking about units, you compare decals to units and are arguing that its fair that Germany have to work harder than everyone else, because they have easy access to a useless decal?

That makes no sense at all, they are not comparable.

I am afraid y are talking to bots, i hardly see any gamers on line in the game…

the trouble is the objectives, kill x number of soldier with y weapon i don’t feel like kitting out three squads in four factions with SMG’s to get daily or event challenges

Dang what a weird way to spell “bad teammates”

I’m saying they change the event order every time. Simple as that

Almost all matches are full of players (at the beginning)

armed APCs

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Yeah there’s darn good reason I blocked him. Lol

And what does that even have to do with the fact that Germany have to work harder for everything that anyone else? Look at the tech tree, and tell me how much research Germany have in each category to reach their final gear, now go and count it for every other country… and tell me how much they have to do each.

When you have done that, then we can have this debate again.

Isn’t more stuff exactly what you want? I don’t see how that’s your argument. “We have too much stuff!” Could DF do better with foldering, probably. Still it’s ok for Germany to take the back seat like it has for the past couple updates and let all the rest of us catch up to it
Also if you want to talk redundancy the Bren’s are identical to each other in every way except aesthetics, M1918A1 and M1918A2 only differ in irons, the Thompson’s almost all only have RoF changes and slight aesthetic change, Sherman, Sherman, Sherman, oh look a Sherman, the only difference in the Lee and Grant is the cupola
I’m sure I can find and think of some more and keep going if you want

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This is both the question and answer… Put some of it in folders/pockets, but instead they are adding more and more to the main research instead of putting it in folders/pockets.

Still not enough to make it up for it (i dare you to count the differences).
I doubt that any new players want to have to farm that much extra.

Welcome to Gaijinomics!

M8 I do not know, who are you trying to appeal to here, but we have already reached a stage, where people are already suggesting to add AI to take over tasks like protecting tanks just because regular players do not give a s*it about their fellow teammate. Next up might be adding AI figher planes in tow for Attacker pilots, cuz why not do that as well since most figher pilots often prefer doing CAS instead of maintaining Air superiority.

Nobody wants to relly on each other let alone even communicate in matches. The most you get are insults after you start losing from either a salty noob or a guy, who broke his back from carrying his worthless team. Maybe with friends or randoms you get together on discord you can work and have fun in the game, but at this point the idea of PVE sounds ever more appealing as the playerbase s*its on itself and everyone starts prefering a Co-op or Singleplayer just so they do not have to deal with nonsense of casual matches.

Fair. Forgot them.

I was hoping the playerbase. I know every last one of you is a lost cause, but I can still hope to get through to a few of you

Not really any way to communicate in matches other than being that one guy who just spams “need a rally point” over and over and over and over and…
Yeah those guys can delete the game. Useless. Detrimental even. It is unfortunate that a game that absolutely requires teamwork and for at least 4-5 people to put some work in is full of people who don’t work together and work towards winning