Steamrolls and unbalanced/not fun matches are 100% the playerbase’s fault

Not exactly the person you can talk about deserting, especially not like that m8. Though I would love to see you in a match :wink:.

If everyone stayed and actually played the game, there’s be less “lost matches”

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play germans now on crossplay on and tell me how many battles you can win as solo player. ffs i have been losing the whole day cause either i am getting roflstomped by enemy, or i am getting absolutely useless players.

think that i had maybe 1 or 2 victory today and one was when germans roflstomped team of 8 soviet console players.

Yeah, but forced stay is not a way to go unless you also force performance requirements upon weaker players to maintain a fair balance and that is not happening.

I stay in matches out of my own virtue, but that is not shared amongs many and can not be forced upon them either. You can judge deserters for being weak, but you can also sympathize with them, especially once you get into a match like I had. Had I left, you could guess the outcome and that W would be an L in an instant.

Same as anywhere else, but more frequent headaches and back breaking. Though I found a very good solution for this. Every day, every night, you can jump on the official Enlisted discord and get on with randoms. Most of the time they play GE BR I-III and if you are a newbie, you can even learn and ask question to improve yourself. Heavily recommend it, I also go there from time to time to help them out.

It definitely bring more fun and allows for better gameplay plus the chit-chat.

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From early last week

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If they can’t solve the choice mode map and skill classification
Then they are not qualified to make any player eat shit

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yay low BR germany. it shows that you understand problem very much when high BR is affected. ffs i could dominate almost any low BR match solo against newbies and win with mostly useless team.

Except what most BR I-III GE players face are vets and stacks, so basically the same thing you fight. Curb your BR V superiority complex. If you can not win with BR V weapons in high BR, you would not do much in BR I-III at this moment either. All GE matchmaking, regardless of low or high BR, are at this moment unfavourable and difficult, one just allows for potentially even worse players to be on your team than the other.

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yes totally full of vets:

here is screenshot from ~half hour ago with allies.

btw have not played low BR germany lately, but have played low BR soviets and germany actually provides resistance there unlike on high BR. on high BR you really need to be lucky to have either good team or for enemy to have shit team (e.g. 8 console players in enemy team that i had today) for germany to win (or roflstomp in my example), otherwise it is almost one sided stomp from either US or soviets.

I mean, pretty similar with more marshals, but less generals. And that was during morning, yours is at peak night time (European time) when popular factions are at their strongest.

Regardless, discussing this has no real point, if what most golds do is leave after losing first cap or even before first squad spawn. You can have a full gold team, but if half leaves after you fail to contest the first point for 4+min, they are worth less than a silver newb.


point i was making is that high BR is oversaturated with veterans, specially on US/soviet side. he needs to play and experience crushing defeats and roflstomps if he believes that one or two player staying will make difference on high BR germany.

considering that i also play soviet low BR, i really havent noticed any difference between now and 2-3 months ago. both sides are full of newbies and rarely you see few veterans.
here are screenshots from half a month to month ago:


unless situation drastically changed since 3 days ago.

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Buddy I don’t have high BR Krauts. I mained US Normandy Pre Merge. I got some BR III and I think an odd BR IV equipment and that’s it.

I hate to say it, but I will not turn it on. I main USA and will only main USA until I finish it, not matter if the tides are favorable or not

Eh, fair enough I suppose. I’ll probably just keep bouncing between USSR, Allies (which I have 1 plane left to research and then DONE), and Axis as I see fit

dam didnt expect you to play axis tbh

Darkflow please add a tutorial that helps newbies understand that Player Rank has nothing to do with skill or equipement, just wins.

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check it out we got a time-traveller over here.

it’s people like you leaving matches based on a hunch that are ruining the experience for everyone

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I’m partially through BR III. Need the Rifle line and the SMG line but I got MG 34’s, I think 42’s but could be wrong, flamethrowers, and a Panther tank